View Full Version : Kane Deserves Better

08-19-2008, 03:44 AM
This is pathetic. Kane just did everything he could to put over the Rey feud but it just has the feel of being something they literally threw together last week on the fly, at the last second. Maybe it gets better, but I doubt it. I'm ready to go ahead and chalk this up to yet another crap story they've throw at Kane and forced him to sell. Damn, they stick him with some terrible feuds.

The only way this one works is if Kane ends up putting the mask back on.

Kane's been a warrior for the WWE...he deserves better.

08-19-2008, 04:22 PM
I wouldn't be so quick to assume this is another crap storyline, for all we know this could end up being somewhat interesting.

08-19-2008, 04:54 PM
I think the story will end up being Batista trying to save Rey, since they're like "friends" on the show. Hopefully, Kane will get a push to the world title out of this feud.

Just KC
08-19-2008, 10:18 PM
for people who complain about rehashing storylines you sure are persisent in your claim for....old storylines....

08-20-2008, 12:01 AM
I'm curious where I've ever complained about the WWE rehashing old storylines...

I believe what I said was EVERY storyline they've stuck Kane with the past few years have been awful. Just look at a few of them:

- The 'Fake Kane' storyline during the 'See No Evil' movie release was brutal TV.
- His ECW title reign was DOA before the belt was even around his waist.

All I'm saying is Kane can carry a bigger load than they've allowed him to carry the past few years. I'm all for the heel turn as I think that's when Kane has been at his best but, my God, how about giving the guy a little more than a few tag matches w/ CM Punk against Big Daddy V and Mark Henry?!

Finally, if the WWE wants Kane around to put over top tier performers, fine. If that's the case, stop writing stuff for him and simply have around as a character. But if you're gonna take the time to put him in storylines, at least put him in something that'll go somewhere.

Just KC
08-20-2008, 01:05 AM
i wasnt talking to you specifically. Im talking about members in general.

08-20-2008, 01:12 AM
fair enough. my bad.