View Full Version : Mr. Kennedy Leaving WWE?, More Releases Rumored, More

Black Widow
08-19-2008, 02:01 PM
Source: Wrestling Observer

- It appears the starting price to book WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair is $12,500. This price doesn't include a plane ticket and hotel room for Flair.

- Sometime this fall Mr. Kennedy’s WWE contract will be expiring and many wouldn’t be surprised to see WWE let Kennedy go considering how this past year has been for him.

- Despite the recent twelve WWE contract releases, backstage belief is that more cuts are on their way and may even happen this week.

08-19-2008, 02:35 PM
Letting Kennedy go would be so bad. The guy is an established star w/ a live gimmick. His promos are good, his ringwork is good, his look is good. He's exactlly what the WWE needs MORE of, not less.

The fact that they've grossly mishandled him shouldn't be held against him...

Kennedy (once healthy) should be moved back over to Raw, where he was so over with the fans (and getting pops that rival the ones Batista's getting now). The Regal suspension and Lashley's injury/departure screwed him out of a huge feuds that would've moved him into the upper tier of the roster.

I think all the guy needs is a run with another big name and he'll be ready to main event for the heavyweight title.

08-19-2008, 03:57 PM
I agree. Mr Kennedy is like MVP and Jeff Hardy. They are young guys who are main-eventers but have yet to be a World Champion. Kennedy's gimmick is one of the best gimmicks they came up with from 2005-till now.

08-19-2008, 04:14 PM
Kennedy i feel has been very unlucky..got the MITB...but then got screwed outta it...was then going to go into a high profile feud with Lashley...lashley leaves and then regal...but anyways...wwe shouldnt let him go..

08-19-2008, 05:27 PM
This is the type of trash news that I hate seeing on this site. Some random website attached the line "many wouldn't be surprised" and now it's news. These news posts are why there are a lot of people in the wrestling world who despise sites like this one. Why would they not resign Kennedy? He's been pushed time and time again, no matter what. Granted, things get in the way, but they wouldn't let someone they have built up just leave to go to TNA. Also, last we heard, Vince likes Kennedy. I call complete BS on this news.