View Full Version : *Spoilers* WWE Smackdown Airs 8/22/08

08-20-2008, 04:42 AM
Dark Match:
* Takeshi Morishima w/Tony Atlas b. Jamie Noble
- Morishima, the former Ring of Honor Champion, got the win via pinfall.

* Vickie comes out and apologizes to the crowd for her thing with Edge to redeem herself. She then announces a WWE Title Scramble for Unforgiven. There will be two qualifying matches for it tonight.

* Maria b. Natalya
- Maria got the win via disqualification. Maryse came out and interfered.

* 10 Man Battle Royal
Winner earns a spot in the WWE Title Scramble at Unforgiven
- Brian Kendrick won the match which earned him a spot in the scramble. Some of the participants were: Big Show, Super Crazy, Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Vladimir Kozlov. Big Show cleaned house, but Kendrick ended up with the win.

* MVP b. Festus
- MVP got the win via countout to earn a spot in the WWE Title Scramble at Unforgiven.

* Shelton Benjamin b. Finlay
- Shelton got the win via pinfall to earn a spot in the WWE Title Scramble at Unforgiven. After the match Mike Knox came down and attacked Finlay.

* Jeff Hardy b. The Great Khali
- Hardy earns a spot in the WWE Title Scramble at Unforgiven. He gets the win via pinfall!

* Triple H comes in the ring and delivers a promo on what he thinks of his opponents for Unforgiven. Kenny Dykstra comes out to interrupt but is quickly pedigreed.

* The Undertaker comes out so Vickie & La Familia can apologize to him. Taker doesn't accept and says he wants Vickie's soul and chases her. He then beats up La Familia.

The WWE Championship scramble is by far better than the World Championship scramble. 4 up and comers with the current champion is every fan's dream. Ok maybe not but it's so much better than stuffing the same guys over and over. Although i'm confused caused it says Vickie said only 2 matches yet 4 are listed..

Bad Boy
08-20-2008, 04:52 AM
that is definately a weird Smackdown, and a weird Main Event Scene... Benjamin/Hardy/Kendrick/MVP facing HHH, i don't think it will be that interesting, cuz in the end its predictable who will win...

08-20-2008, 06:31 AM
I dunno...Jeff could come out with it. Or MVP even. Kendrick and Shelton not so likely...

If you get a pin in the match, are you an official WWE Champion, or is only the last person to pin the official champion?

Bad Boy
08-20-2008, 11:00 AM
im guessin the last person who got the pinfall when the time gets over will become champion... i don't think they will give Jeff or MVP a push right now, but who knows

Kenpachi Zaraki
08-20-2008, 01:10 PM
Triple H all set 2 remain champ fr time 2 come i guess

08-20-2008, 04:27 PM
I dunno...Jeff could come out with it. Or MVP even. Kendrick and Shelton not so likely...

If you get a pin in the match, are you an official WWE Champion, or is only the last person to pin the official champion?

They explained that on Raw. Whoever gets a pinfall in that match throughout the 20 minutes is champion until another pinfall. The last person to get a pinfall after the 20 minutes are up is the definite champion after Unforgiven.

I think triple H is just using all of his power to make this his best reign and make him look great. Well I wanna see him pedigree someone with ten seconds left about to get te pin and Kendrick pushes him out and takes it! That would be awesome. BUt I know it could be Jeff cause he is pretty good, I think Shelton and MVP deserve it the most. It's gonna be a great match either way.

08-20-2008, 06:37 PM
VERY interesting...I would love to see WWE surprise us all and give the belt to Hardy or MVP. The other two are very talented but I dont see them standing a chance.

Marshall Mathers
08-21-2008, 02:41 AM
I think they pushed Kendrick too fast. he still only has the reputation of a high flyer.

08-23-2008, 05:36 AM
With the rumour being that one champion will lose their title in the Scramble matches, here's hoping that it's Smackdown. Maybe WWE are willing to give Hardy a run which would be good. Of course this could all be a swerve that sees Triple H crush all promising midcarders, which would suck cause then we'd get Festus or Kozlov in the main event.