View Full Version : Ashley Blog - Saturday, August 23, 2008

Black Widow
08-22-2008, 11:39 PM
The exquisite Ashley Massaro recently felt the need to update her fans on why she's unable to attend one of her own public appearances. We'll apologize right now for the smelly nature of the following blog: -

bad news

I'm so sooooo sorry to Denver and Casa Bonita, I have got MEGA-FLU, so I am making runs from bathroom to bed non-stop However I promise I will be back in Denver with no flu asap
ok gotta go sorry again guys I'll post when i'm well



Too much information, right? So basically Ashley's got the sh*ts? Wonderful. Ashley's chaotic life really does deserve a reality show. Would you like to see The Ashley Massaro Show? Surely VH1, E! or one of those other reality-hungry channels would love to snap up the former Playboy Playmate?


08-22-2008, 11:47 PM
She said flu, not diarrhea so yeah... but anyway, a show about her life would be almost as funny as a show about Amy Winehouse's life.