View Full Version : WWE house show report 8-22 Bridgeport

Black Widow
08-24-2008, 10:46 AM
Tony Chimmel opened up the show by saying the fans had a chance to choose the stips of the main event between CM Punk and JBL. They had advertised throughout the last month as the main event being Punk-Jericho but no announcement on why the change (par for the course) and fans didn't seem to care or know anyways. In any case you could text on your cell what type of match you wanted, no DQ, falls count anywhere, or 2 out of 3 falls. (If this was legit it would have been hilarious if the 2 out of 3 stip won.) I got the feeling they are trying to be more fan friendly at house shows ala TNA with this and Kelly Kelly being interactive in the crowd with trivia questions etc.

Opening Match- Primo Colon beat Snitsky with a roll up after Snitsky missed a high kick in the corner. Colon had very little offense in the body of the match.

2nd Bout- Lance Cade over D Lo Brown. Brown missed a frog splash and Cade hit a sit down powerbomb for the win.

3rd Bout- Jamie Noble beat William Regal with a backslide out of nowhere. Good match but surprised with the finish. They continuosly miss the boat with Regal.

WWE Woman's Title Match- Beth Phoenix retained over Mickie James. Sorry. Bathroom and concession break. Didn't see finish.

WWE Tag Title Match- Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase retained belts beating Cryme Tyme. Champs did some good mic work before the bout talking about Cryme Tyme stealing belts on Raw. I'm enjoying the second generation team alot. Might have something to do with DiBiase's dad being one of my faves when he was in Mid-South-UWF early and mid 80s. (Showing my age) After champs won and ref handed them belts, the criminals stole them back. Crowd popped huge for Cryme Tyme which doesn't surprise me as Bridgeport has the highest crime rate in CT.


Inter Continental Title Match- Santino Marrella retained over Kofi Kingston. Phoenix distracted Kofi which led to Santino getting the pin. Mic work before match by Santino but sound system was tough to pick up what he said.

WWE (or World Championship, I always confuse the 2 but does it really matter?) Championship- CM Punk retained the title over JBL with "Go To Sleep" Surprisingly a very good match with several great near falls. Both JBL and Punk over huge with heel and baby heat respectively. This match being second from the end shows what they think of Punk as champ though. The world title match should always be last as far as I'm concerend.

John Cena & Batista defeated Chris Jericho & Kane. The pop for Cena was unreal. If there were fans booing they were drowned out. Jericho did some great mic work at the beginning about Shawn Michaels. He has been tremendous in this heel role.

Overall an enjoyable house show which I enjoy attending as most of the recent shows I've gone to have been tapings. House shows are a nice change of pace where the focus is on the wrestling.

Hi, my name is Dylan and I'm sending you a report from the Raw House Show in Bridgeport, CT I was at:

Opener was Primo Colon vs. Snitsky, possibly the worst opening choice possible. But, showing how hot the crowd was all night, they pop huge for a false near fall off a missile dropkick from Colon!!!! Basically a squash until Primo threw out some dropkicks and Colon won with a roll-up. Match Rating = *

Next was D'Lo Brown vs. Lance Cade, ok match which picked up at the end. Cade kicked out of the Lo Down and D'Lo went for the Sky High but misses and Cade hit his rock bottom/ powerbomb finisher for the win. **

Jamie Noble vs. William Regal was pretty decent there was some good mat wrestling at the beginning and Noble sold for Regal like a champ, but Noble ended up WINNING with a backslide!!! **1/2

World Tag Team Title match was next as Simply Priceless came out without the belts. They called everyone else in the arena Theves like Cryme Time, who came out with the belts. Good old school style tag match, and the crowd was way into Cryme Time. Shad had Dibiase pinned with a big boot but Rhodes jumped off the top onto Shad and Dibiase rolled over for the pinfall. Cryme Tyme scared them off after the match and took the belts back with them. ***

I missed the Women's Title match but saw the finish with Beth hitting the chickenwing faceplant onto Mickie James. No Rating

After Intermission it was Santino Morella vs. Kofi Kingston for the IC Title. Santino came out with Beth Phoenix and he bragged that Beth had an off night and that he won the belts for them at Summerslam. Ok match, Santino has a boring offense but Kofi looked great for the first time I've seen him live. Phoenix tripped Kofi which allowed Santino to roll him up with his feet on the ropes for the win. **

World Title Match was next and it was CM Punk who came out to a MASSIVE pop vs. JBL. JBL tried to cut a promo before the match but he was getting huge heat so he just dropped the microphone and said screw it. The fans texted for a No D.Q match and this was a GREAT Match!!! They fought in the crowd and Cookie sheets, trash cans, lids, the stairs, the microphone and a chair was used in the match. Lots of False finishes including JBL kicking out of a Tornado DDT on a chair, Punk kicking out of a Clothesline from Hell, and he finished it with a good old GTS. Best Match of the Night and great work from both guys. ****

Main Event was Chris Jericho and Kane vs. John Cena and Batista, Cena coming out blew the roof off the Arena at Harbor Yard, he and Punk ( Batista's pop wasn't even close to those 2) were insanly over tonight. Good, fun main event with Cena taking a good beating from Jericho and Kane. Finish came when Jericho walked away from the match allowing Cena to hit the F-U on Kane into a Spinebuster from Batista for 3. ***

It was a great show and I had an amazing time.

Biggest Pops ( In Order) = Cena, Punk, Batista, Cryme Time, D'Lo Brown

Biggest Heat ( In Order) = JBL, Jericho, Simply Priceless, Santino, Snitsky
