View Full Version : Updated Rules For Championship Scramble Matches At WWE Unforgiven

Black Widow
08-24-2008, 10:53 AM
- As previously reported on WNW, the championship scramble matches had originally been slated to start with the champion and a randomly selected challenger. Now, it will be two randomly selected Superstars who start the match. Here are the new updated rules:

** The match has a 20-minute time limit. Two randomly selected challengers will start the match, with a new challenger entering the match every five minutes.

** If a Superstar scores a pinfall or submission on any other Superstar in the match, he is declared the "temporary" or interim champion for match purposes. He holds that designation until another Superstar scores a subsequent pinfall or submission on any other Superstar.

** Whoever is the interim champion at the final bell becomes the officially recognized champion.


08-24-2008, 05:32 PM
Basically the same except the champion doesn't necessarily start.