View Full Version : iMPACT! *Spoilers* for 8/28

Flair Country
08-26-2008, 03:06 AM
(1) Awesome Kong d. Josie. ODB and Kong brawled after the match.

(2) Consequences Creed & Jay Lethal d. Petey Williams & Sheik Abdul Bashir. Bahisr and Williams brawled after the match.

(3) Curry Man d. Jimmy Rave.

(4) Kurt Angle d. Kevin Nash to qualify for the Four Ways to Glory match at No Surrender. Samoa Joe was on commentary for the match he and Nash argued afterwords.

(5) Beer Money d. Super Eric & Shark Boy in a non-title match. LAx attacked Beer Money after the match.

- Sting came to the ring and spoke about his recent actions. He said the youngsters in TNA have no respect so he is going to beat some into them. AJ Styles came out and they went back and forth on the mic. The segment ended with Sting giving AJ the Scorpion Death Drop.

(6) ODB d. Raisha Seed. Kong attacked ODB after the match and laid her out.

- Kevin Nash comes to the ring and tells Samoa Joe that he is not ready for the PPV and will prove iy to him by making him face 3 guys in a row.

(7) Samoa Joe d. Lance Rock.

(8) Samoa Joe d. Johnny Devine.

- Nash tells him good job and says he has a special suprise for his third challenge and out comes Tomko. -- WTF!?!

(9) Tomko d. Samoa Joe with help from Kevin Nash.


08-26-2008, 04:06 AM
I thought tomko was done??

08-26-2008, 06:06 AM
me too what the hell when was this taped?

08-26-2008, 06:45 AM
i thought tomko was done too

Flair Country
08-27-2008, 07:43 PM
Well that's why I put the WFT?!? beside his name. :) Maybe TNA management was able to talk him into coming back??