View Full Version : Identity of Who’s Suing WWE; Big Story Brewing

08-26-2008, 04:46 PM
- The identities of the former WWE Superstars who are joining Raven in a new lawsuit against WWE over the independent contractor issue are Mike Sanders and Chris Kanyon. Kanyon and Raven both had runs on WWE TV but Sanders worked the developmental territories from March 2001 through July 2002, after his contract was bought when WWE acquired WCW. WWE’s lawyer Jerry McDevitt told Law.com that te lawsuit is “bogus” and said he will explain why in federal court this week. WWE will be filing a motion to dismiss the lawsuit this week.

Depending on how things go with this one, WWE may have to make some serious changes in the way it runs the company and could have to shell out millions of dollars to current and former talents. There’s no doubt this story could be a potentially huge one, depending on how things work out in court this week. We will definitely keep you updated on what happens.

Source: WrestleNewz