View Full Version : WWE’s Biggest Match Coming Soon?, Big Storyline Being Tossed Around for Unforgiven

08-28-2008, 02:39 AM
- Nothing is confirmed on this and could change more than once and probably will between now and the Unforgiven pay-per-view, but there is a plan for The Undertaker to wrestle on the show. One idea being tossed around is to have the winner of the WWE Championship Scramble match to face The Undertaker that same night, with the storyline being that Vickie was giving Undertaker a WWE Title shot as a peace offering of sorts.

This would mean that a Triple H vs. The Undertaker match is likely but could be a bad move. With WWE just rushing the John Cena vs. Batista match, I can’t see them bringing their next biggest match out of nowhere. As noted before, things are always changing and this one probably will too.

Source: WrestleNewz

08-28-2008, 03:23 AM
my opinion..if they DO give Taker a title shot at Unforgiven...Either A: He'll be replacing someone somehow in the Scramble....or B: HHH loses the scramble and that person faces Taker and loses...setting up the feud between Taker and HHH.

08-28-2008, 05:26 AM
That would be sad if Triple H lost it then the winner lost to Taker...I mean, all four other men in there are up-and-comers waiting for their big chance. How much would it suck to hold the belt for only a few hours, if that. Then again, you can at least say you were a former WWE Champion. I'm sure Kane likes that perk, even though he only had the belt for a day.

08-28-2008, 04:24 PM
That's a pretty dumb idea.

08-28-2008, 04:30 PM
I think they should just wait till Smackdown to have Undertaker face whoever is champion. Undertaker deserves his long title reign and title changes on television need to happen more.

08-28-2008, 04:34 PM
If they do give Taker a shot then why not advertise about it first? For Vickie just to appear right after the match and announce that Taker's got a title match now would be silly and WWE would get more buy's if they advertised it earlier.