View Full Version : Vince Gets Pissed Off at R-Truth and Agents

08-28-2008, 05:27 PM
- WWE will probably have to edit R-Truth’s debut on SmackDown this week because of “TNA” and “We Want Angle” chants during the match which really didn’t get much other reaction from the crowd. Truth ended up selling a lot of Kenny Dykstra’s moves and Vince McMahon got pissed off because he wanted Killings to look like a top star and sell nothing for Dykstra. Mis-communication backstage had the agents tell Killings to work a standard babyface match, sell big and then do a comeback for the win.

Source: WrestleNewz

08-28-2008, 05:29 PM
Oh dear, More annoyance for Vince. He really needs to retire, he's too old for this. he's just working himself into an early grave!