View Full Version : Full Details On WWE's Smackdown Your Vote! Campaign

09-03-2008, 04:56 AM
WWE Superstars and Divas will be attending the two national political conventions over the next two weeks as part of World Wrestling Entertainment’s Smackdown Your Vote! efforts to encourage more voters age 30 and under to vote in this year’s election.

Mr. Kennedy, and Mickie James will attend the Republican National Convention in St. Paul this week.Batista, Shelton Benjamin and Candice attended the Democratic National Convention in Denver last week.

On Monday, August 25, WWE posted its version of an online debate between Senator Obama and Senator McCain based on their written responses to Smackdown Your Vote!’s national 18-30 Voter Issues Paper (VIP). The VIP outlines the critical issues and questions from young adult voters based on national polling, such as the economy, health care, education, the Iraq war, the environment and energy. A new VIP web microsite debuts this week on smackdownyourvote.com.

To promote voter registration, footage from WWE stars’ activities at the conventions will be shown on WWE programming (Monday Night RAW, ECW and Friday Night SmackDown) and WWE.com will provide convention coverage.

WWE has worked with one of its partners, the University of Virginia’s Youth Leadership Initiative, to create curriculum materials for use in 8,000 classrooms based on the 18-30 VIP.

WWE also has created video PSAs featuring WWE Superstars John Cena and Mr. Kennedy to promote a voter registration initiative with AT&T and Rock The Vote.

In partnership with Cable in the Classroom, WWE will create a series of videos for K-12 schools nationwide via Cable in the Classroom’s free, online learning game, eLECTIONS: Your Adventure in Politics. eLECTIONS is a standards-based election simulation being used in classroom’s nationwide featuring content from CNN Student News, C-SPAN and History.

Following the conventions, WWE will continue to provide content on WWE.com to encourage younger Americans to vote in the election. WWE Magazine, one of the most popular men’s magazines on newsstands, will feature WWE Superstars debating the issues in the election in its November issue. This issue hits newsstands September 30.

This is the third presidential election in which WWE and Smackdown Your Vote! has been active. The program has been engaged in national, state and local elections each year since 2000. In 2004, 20.1 million 18-29 year olds voted, a 4.3 million jump over 2000. The turnout increase among the youngest voters was more than double that of any other age group. Young voter turnout is one of the top headlines of 2008 with turnout doubling and tripling in early 2008 contests. Partners in the Smackdown Your Vote!initiative include Harvard University's Institute of Politics, League of Women Voters, National Association of Secretaries of State,University of Virginia's Youth Leadership Initiative, Sacred Heart University andMobilize.org.

Source: WNW