View Full Version : ECW Full Results - 9/2

Flair Country
09-03-2008, 03:13 PM
ECW on Sci-Fi
Pittsburgh, PA
September 2nd 2008
Commentators: Todd Grisham & Matt Striker
Report by: David Stephens of WrestleView.com

It’s time for ECW and this week we are kicking the show off with “The Dirt Sheet”!

John Morrison and Miz are putting over the fact that Miz is in the ECW Scramble in his home town of Cleveland, Ohio and has a chance to win the ECW Title. Their first guest is the ECW Champion Mark Henry. Tony Atlas accompanies him to the ring. Next up, Chavo is introduced and instead of his theme playing, it is a track of Miz & Morrison scatting out Chavo’s theme. Even Mark Henry is laughing. Finlay apparently isn’t going to able to make it, so luckily they have Finlay’s brothers live via satellite!

This turns out to be a pre-taped Miz & Morrison segment dressed in Irish garb. Well Finlay apparently is in the building and decides to make his way out to the ring. Finlay has a smile on his face so it doesn’t seem that the segment bothered him too much, he even greets Miz & Morrison as his brothers. Hornswoggle says hello to his cousins via a swift kick to the calf. Matt Hardy makes his way down to the ring, and once again gets a huge ovation. This guy is really over.

They do the type of smack talk you would have expected, nothing too spectacular. Next thing you know Morrison starts attacking Hardy and everyone else joins in. For some reason Bourne and Dreamer come down to make the save. Kind of a dull segment, but maybe it shall improve. This is interesting considering the fact that ECW was taped before RAW’s Scramble match last night.


When we come back, the whole group is fighting backstage. Theodore Long comes out to break it up. He declares that tonight there will be an 8 man tag team match: Chavo, Miz, Morrison & Henry v. Dreamer, Bourne, Finlay & Hardy.

Super Crazy v. Gavin Spears

Spears ties up Crazy in an arm bar and Super reverses it into a leg hold via a couple of spins. Crazy hits an arm drag and then jumps up for some punches in the corner. Gavin throws Crazy down to the mat and goes for a pin, but no three count. The two exchange a couple of punches and then Spears hits a jumping knee on Crazy but the pin attempt isn’t any good, though he does yell for the ref to count faster. Super Crazy gets locked into a variation of the crossface in the middle of the ring. Gavin Spears hits a sunset flip, but Crazy rolls out of it and hits a dropkick. Crazy whips him into the ropes and hits two more dropkicks followed up by a spinning heel kick. Crazy is sent to the apron and then hits a beautiful moonsault by springing off the second rope. 1..2…3.

Winner via Moonsault: Super Crazy


Ricky Ortiz v. Ryan Braddock

Braddock apparently had a match against the Big Show on Smackdown sometime, so I guess I won’t chalk him up as some random guy. Ortiz locks in an arm bar but gets shoulder blocked to the ground. Ortiz whips Ryan into the ropes and hits a nice shoulder block of his own. Ortiz hits a suplex and then whips Braddock into the corner. Ryan goes to the second rope and somehow drives him down to the mat with his knee into the back of Ortiz’s head. That was kind of interesting. Ortiz is caught up in a side headlock and then gets chucked down to the mat when he tries to get out. Braddock locks him up in another head lock.

Ortiz finally gets out and slams Braddock’s head into the top turnbuckle. Ricky hits a nice dropkick and then slams him down to the mat. He hits his flying shoulder tackle from the second rope and then hits the “Big O” for the win.

Winner via Big O: Ricky Ortiz


Video airs of Josh Mattews interviewing Mr. Kennedy and Mickie James at the Republican National Convention. Todd Grisham puts over Smackdown! Your Vote, and Matt Striker reminds us to vote Republican.

Matt Hardy makes entrance down to the ring.


Miz, Morrison, Henry & Chavo v. Dreamer, Bourne, Hardy & Finlay

Morrison and Hardy start things off. Hardy hits a couple of quick shots and then tags in Dreamer who hits a suplex and then tags in Finlay. The two of them are slugging it out and Chavo gets the tag. Miz chokes up Finlay while the ref isn’t looking, then Chavo runs back over only to be hit with an Atomic Drop and clothesline. Finlay is thrown to the outside but blocks Chavo’s baseball slide by pulling out the apron to trap him in it. Finlay starts pounding on Chavo and when Bam comes over to make the save Hornswoggle leaps off the apron to take him out!


As we come back Finlay is holding Chavo and Bourne springboards over the ropes to take him out. Chavo whips Bourne into the ropes and then hits a backbreaker on the high flyer. Miz gets in the tag but Bourne floors him. Miz is on his back and starts to move his head up to see where Bourne is at and Evan kicks him in the face and hits a standing moonsault! That was actually pretty amusing. Bourne goes for the pin but only gets a 1 count. Bourne starts to climb up the ropes but Morrison distracts him enough for Miz to throw him to the ground.

Henry gets in the tag and things don’t look good for Bourne who Henry throws around like a rag doll before tagging back in Miz. Bourne is locked in a side headlock and then is speared into the corner. Chavo gets the tag and hits a side slam. Bourne kicks out of the pin attempt and then Chavo kicks him in the side before going for another pin attempt. Not even close. Bourne is still being held up and Morrison gets the tag. There is no finesse as Bourne is just being punched and stomped on. Bourne is thrown out to the floor which allows Neely and Miz to get in some cheap shots. Finlay comes over to break it up. Bourne is thrown back into the ring and then locked up in a side head lock by Morrison. Bourne is able to get out and hit a hurricarana but Morrison keeps him from making the tag. Chavo gets the tag and starts to work on Bourne. Evan finally breaks free and tags in Dreamer. Tommy hits a dropkick and then a bulldog on Chavo but the three count fails. Chavo is able to duck away and tag in Mark Henry!

Henry comes in and backs Dreamer into a corner. Tommy is kicked multiple times and then repeatedly thrown to the mat. Henry tags Chavo back in. Chavo locks a side headlock on Dreamer but Tommy breaks free. Chavo tries to block the tag but Dreamer tags in Hardy! Matt slams Chavo down to the mat then hits his EPIC elbow from the second rope. Matt hits a side-effect and goes for the cover but Chavo manages to kick out. Henry is tagged in and he scoop slams Matt in the middle of the ring. Matt is able to roll away from a Henry splash which leaves Mark exposed on his back in the middle of the ring. Hardy tags in Bourne and Bourne heads for the top rope! Evan Bourne hits a Shooting Star Press on Mark Henry!

Bourne jumps up and kicks Miz who was coming in for the save. Evan tags in Dreamer who also goes to the top rope and hits a Frog Splash! Dreamer jumps up and takes out Morrison who was coming in for the save! Next Finlay is tagged in and he hits his signature running butt plant and then hits Chavo as he was coming in for the save! Matt Hardy gets the tag and takes out Tony Atlas. He hits the Twist of Fate and the match is over!

Winners via Twist of Fate: Matt Hardy, Evan Bourne, Tommy Dreamer & Finlay
