View Full Version : Huge Update on The Undertaker’s Streak; the Superstar Set to End It, the Storyline, M

09-04-2008, 10:31 PM
- The subject of The Undertaker’s WrestleMania streak was discussed during booking meetings this past week. The idea of someone beating The Undertaker has always been talked about as a way to establish a new Superstar and not something they would do for an established Superstar, but the general feeling is that Taker would never lose at WrestleMania. Vince McMahon is opposed to the idea but feels if it’s done, it has to be with a guy everyone agreed was a sure thing. Vince doesn’t want to waste something that big on a “maybe” guy.

A lot of names have been discussed as to who could break the streak but Ted DiBiase was the most talked about and Vince came out very high on him. It’s not something WWE feels could be done next year but it was brought up as a potential angle for a few years down the line if DiBiase turns out how they want him to. They want DiBiase to be the next Randy Orton, but without some of the problems that have came along with Orton.

There is an idea for a long-term storyline that would have Ted and The Undertaker feud, bringing up that it was Ted’s father, DiBiase Sr. that storyline introduced The Undertaker to the WWF. For those who don’t know, The Undertaker made his official debut with WWE at the Survivor Series 1992, as a surprise member of DiBiase’s Million Dollar Team.

Source: WN

09-05-2008, 01:03 AM
they want dibiase to end takers streak? that is a huge surprise

09-05-2008, 01:35 AM
Interesting, thanks

09-05-2008, 05:27 PM
I could see DiBiase being big like that...

09-05-2008, 07:17 PM
I could see DiBiase being big like that...

so can i

ever since he's debuted ive seen him as a randy orton like persona

if they build him up right and he doesnt get a big head like orton he could become huge in the wwe

he's just gotta do his job and not fuck it up

09-05-2008, 07:38 PM
Honestly, dibiase has tremendous potential. He is doing very well so far, but to take away Undertaker's WM streak.. that's something I wouldn't ruin..

09-06-2008, 12:01 AM
yeah I gotta agree...Takers WM streak should be a given anytime he is on a WM card!
Taking that away from him could possibly ruin his "Phenom" persona,and could possibly give way to a "lesser" talent blowing his "shot" later down the line(fall out with Vince or whatever else might happen!),leaving Vince holding the "bag" on the subject...so to speak that is.

Oh yeah,I'm not saying that DiBiase wouldn't be a formidable foe later down the line,BUT,Orton was given his shot at the "streak" and he wasn't given the privledge of ending it either,and he's already been at main event status for quite some time now.

Kenpachi Zaraki
09-06-2008, 07:09 AM
OMFG........... DiBiase??? What the hell is wrong with these people.......... better not to end it..... they could have someone like CM Punk end it or if you dont want a champion to end it have Killings do it but nt DiBiase pls

09-07-2008, 05:52 AM
I never understood what people saw in DiBiase and Rhodes. They're just..... average. I don't get all this talk about them having potential. I mean, come on. Sure DiBiase is good on the mic, but in the ring he really isn't that special. Maybe I just have higher standards than the average WWE fan, lol.