View Full Version : Torrie Wilson Speaks on Leaving WWE, Working for TNA, Playboy, Internet Fans, More

09-06-2008, 11:12 PM
Former WWE Diva Torrie Wilson just did an interview with the WrestlingEpicCenter website, where you can check out the full interview. Below are the highlights:

- She had back surgery a few months back, and is doing better now. She’s not a 100% better yet, but she’s getting there. When asked if she’d ever return to wrestling, she’s not interested in actual in ring wrestling, but would be interested in doing something for special occasions.

- There was talk in 2005 that she would leave WWE, and she says that it was because there were personal problems with her husband that needed to be addressed. She learned from somebody that WWE was not happy with her decision to do this and they considered letting her go, but that decision wasn’t made.

- She does not regret posing for Playboy, saying that she had fun doing it and loved going to the Playboy Mansion. She jokingly says that “My mother might regret it, but I don’t”

- When asked about the internet fans of wrestling, she says she tries to avoid it because there is so much negativity and can’t understand why people who have never been in wrestling before can talk about it like they are experts. Of the stories she’s heard on the net, she says its about half & half over whether they are true or not.

- She doesn’t watch much of the WWE. Towards the end, she kind of got frustrated because she would pitch storylines and nothing would come of it, and says its frustrating for all the girls. She also says its hard for her to watch because she had to leave because of injury and she wasn’t ready to give it up.

- There was a little bit of talk of holding the new Diva’s Championship, but nothing ever came of it. She says that she felt she had really worked hard and improved in the ring, but some of her opponents would go out of their way to make her look bad.

- On the prospect of working with TNA, she says “never say never” and that she likes Jeff Jarrett & Gail Kim had pitched a few ideas to her about coming in (obviously before Gail’s recent departure) But for right now, Torrie wants to focus on her clothing store in Texas, which is going very well right now.