View Full Version : JR's Unforgiven Thoughts

09-09-2008, 02:37 AM
Sitting in the Cleveland Airport trying to blog on my Blackberry and I hope I don’t “tap.”

Unforgiven was an intriguing event...had its moments....gave some talents a chance to perform on the main stage....and it was interesting to see how the 3 Scramble bouts could have their own unique identity.

The show was fun to be a part of because of all the above. On a scale of 1-10 I would give it a solid 7, which equates to value for the price of admission.

* Brian Kendrick had an excellent night even without Zeke. To think of where Kendrick was only a few months ago and where he is today is encouraging.
* Jeff Hardy had a good night and “felt” like a big star. Perception becomes reality in wrestling and I definitely perceive Jeff as an ever evolving star.
* MVP’s night might not have jumped out at some, but he was solid and still looks like he could potentially be a WWE Champion. MVP needs to get his edge back and “get on a roll,” which he has the skills to do.
* Shelton Benjamin is “gold” pun intended. This athlete is a physical freak and can be as good as he wants to be. My regular visits w/ him tell me that he wants to elevate and more importantly stay at the next level.
* HHH is one of the established, legit Superstars on Smackdown, who has plenty of potential opponents on SD. HHH adds considerable credibility to the brand.
* Congrats to Matt Hardy. His BIG win may be overdue in some folk’s eyes, but this passionate, dedicated young man achieved another milestone.
* ECW is really getting fun to watch w/ all the youth on their roster.
* The Orton dynamic with the 3 2nd generation wrestlers interests me. (Yes I know that Orton is a 3rd generation kid.)
* Jericho winning the World Title completely changes much of the dynamic on Raw. Jericho’s surprising title win was the highlight of the final bout.
* HBK vs Jericho was “money” and the best thing on the show. Sitting at ringside it was amazing how physically stiff the bout was. I would have LOVED to have broadcast that one.
* Finally, Tazz is the angriest man in America :) but I enjoyed our call of the WWE Scramble bout. I hope you did too.

I’ll have more from Milwaukee soon. It looks like I am going to have to break down and purchase a laptop. Or can I thumb my way thru this challenging “Blackberry Jungle?”

Boomer Sooner! (#3 ranked!)