View Full Version : Spoilers WWE SmackDown! Taping Results

06-14-2006, 08:19 AM
he following is the SmackDown TV taping report from PWInsider.com:

The Miz announced Rey Mysterio vs. Gregory Helms for tonight's show.

JBL came out in his limo and said he was the new voice of Smackdown, calling himself Mr. Ratings.

Rey Mysterio vs. Gregory Helms - Rey's shoulder was taped up. JBL threw his hat at Rey when they were on the floor. Rey pinned him after a springboard legdrop in a good back and forth match.

Booker T vs. Bobby Lashley - Finlay and Regal jump Lashley as he's coming to the ring. They triple team him. Gunnar Scott and Matt Hardy run out to protect him.

Backstage, Bobby Lashley told the trainer to get his injured knee ready because he's going to get his hands on Booker.

Ken Kennedy defeated Nick Berk.

They announced Great Khali vs. The Mexicools. Backstage, Psicosis told Super Crazy he had his back.

They aired a Sylvan video. His new gimmick is Ambassador of Quebec. It was designed to look like a vacation promotional video.

The Mexicools vs. Great Khali - After several minutes, Psicosis walked out on Crazy, leaving him to be pinned.

Miz interviewed Ashley for winning the bikini contest. She introduced the next match.

Matt Hardy & Gunnar Scott vs. Finlay & William Regal - Finlay pinned Scott after hitting him with the club. Good match. The Leprechaun attacked everyone after the match until Finlay tossed him back under the ring.

Backstage. Teddy Long told Booker T he's going to wrestle Lashley

They aired a Batista return video.

Michael Cole interviewed Chavo Guerrero. Cole said that Rey asked Chavo to come out of retirement and what was his response. Chavo didn't respond with a clear yes or no. Mark Henry came out. Henry said that its a shame he doesn't wrestle anymore because he'd show Chavo how he shortens and ends careers. He started insulting Rey. Chavo got in his face so Henry attacked him and laid him out.

Backstage, Michelle McCool started insulting Ashley. Ashley challenged her to a bikini showdown and McCool said she wouldn't do it in front of the New Jersey lowlifes. Ashley told her to stop acting like she was teaching class and find some class instead. McCool walked off.

Vito in a blue dress pinned Scott Wright.

In the main event, Bobby Lashley pinned King Booker.