View Full Version : Zombie? Complaints at ECW from me.

06-14-2006, 10:12 AM
What the fuck was that? Was he supposed to be a jobber? Gah, this pissed me off. Looks like they went to the bad part of town and grabbed a bum. I mean we walks all fucking slow at sandman, get whacked with a kendo stick and fall. It was a sory excuse for an ECW match, and Zombie was a sorry fucking excuse for a jobber.

ECW needs to get it together after that mediocre show for ECW, they need to pull something out of their ass next week. They need to do something, or they won't be there very long.

Then we have the vampire issue. For Sci Fi channel that was gay as hell. He stood there looking at the camera, and Taz is over there is that-- it can't be. If anyone buys this shit they got to be pretty much mentally stupid.

The show got over with just in time. 11 superstar 10 man battle royal? What the hell was that. There was barely and mic work going on, except Zombie and Angle, which Angles mic skills tonight seemed surpisingly low to me. It is nothing ike normal. Zombie's mik skills was truely kick ass however, and probably the best I heard in a long time [/sarcsam]. Tongiht just pissed me off really. However, I am still going to stay tuned to see if it gets better.

I have a few more, but you get the jist of it from this.

06-14-2006, 03:53 PM
The vampire was actually Gangrel, though that's not what he will go by.

Kelly "showing" what she's got was a disapointment as well....She couldn't get her bra off? WTF never worn 1 before? Not that I expected her to actually show anything but seems that every girl can undo their bra....apparently not.

06-14-2006, 03:59 PM
I didn't like it at all...gees couldnt Paul Heyman come up with something better than that? You got one hour to make the entire world to think that you are the best and I think last night screwed Heyman. TNA does better with a one hour show.

06-14-2006, 04:37 PM
i dont know. I kinda liked the zombie bit. and it was a great filler match. as for gangrel or whoever it was, well i agree that was a waste of time.

06-14-2006, 05:14 PM
the zombie bit was a shot at all the ideas that were pitched for ECW to have like werewolfs, aliens, alternate dimension match... it was ment to be like yeah we're not doing that crap... the vampire was mordcari(sp?) and he, formerly named gangrel, shelly martinez(OVW girl who was dressed like a witch in vignettes filmed in NJ so she might just have a witch gimick), and acouple rumored names such as luna, mideon, and indy wrestler "Bloody" Harker Dirge. I accually think the witch thing is stupid, but the vampire stable could be really sick if done right(the old Brood type stuff, or the stuff with vampiro and sting and the new blood) If stupid Sci FI makes them do any other crazy stupid things then ECW is screwed but if it does well then i might go to USA so hopefully it does soon.

06-14-2006, 05:15 PM
The zombie and vampire was apart of what Sci-Fi wanted in there agreeement to show ECW. I thought it was bad but a funny laughable bad. he wont go really anywhere but it's what Sci-Fi wanted to air on ECW last night.

Still 2nd Place
06-14-2006, 05:38 PM
The Vampire was Kevin Fertig and I am so happy as I love this guy and I think he will fit in with EGW and I love Vampire gimmicks I think they can go so far I still wouold love for Gangrel and Bloody Dirge to be signed to be in this group as the 3 would be a great tag team

But as far as the show it was alright it was the first show and it foucused too much on the WWE Vs. ECW once this runs its course and we get just ECW I think we will be on to something as last night was more or less just a way to get some stuff going like we can see a Show Vs. Big G. work coming up as the have been moving that forward and we know that at WWE next PPV ECW will be there and thats cool I just think we need to give this another week before we throw are rocks after all they know what we want look at ONS and ONS2 and also WWE Vs. ECW all great shows with ECW action so lets put are rocks away for another few weeks and see what will happen and how they will grow lets not forget everything takes time and this is a start

I think that Zombie was like Eugune they got a beat down in a ECW fashion to pretty much say this kind of crap gimmick is not ECW hell I could be wrong but I dont feel we will see much if any more of The Zomibe

and now Kellie she was very hot but I would have liked them to use that time on a good match and not her but thats just me

I would give the show a 5/10 with hopes that next week will be better and will grow as the time gose by

Side-Note - I do feel they need to have ECW do smaller Venues and get solid ECW fans and not WWE/Raw/Smakcdown fans as it really adds to the ECW feel I think that the fact that Cena and Edge are in the crowd getting cheered for and the fact Snadman made it to the ring with out one fan just about taking his head off shows the differance between the fan base that and also the chants and cheers I would just lik eto see it done at a differant venue and not at the same that smakcdown is doing its taping