View Full Version : Smackdown Spoilers - Taped: 16th Sep, 2008 - Airing: 19th Sep, 2008

09-17-2008, 05:19 AM
Smackdown Spoilers
Taped: 16th Sep, 2008 - Airing: 19th Sep, 2008

- Michelle McCool defeated Maryse.

Vickie & Big Show & Eve leads to a video of Big Show laying out Undertaker.

- Ryan Braddock defeated Festus by DQ

- R-Truth defeated Shelton Benjamin

Vickie says to Big Show she will make Undertaker apologize tonight.

- Jeff Hardy defeated Brian Kendrick.
After the match: Vladimir Kozlov knocked Hardy off the rampway.

Carlito's Cabana
Carlito and Primo Colon. WWE Tag Team champs Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins come out. It's mentioned the Colons will get a title shot next week. The champs lay them out, but Jesse and Festus make the save.

Brie Bella and Maria are backstage when Natalya and Victoria bust in and promise to find out Brie's secret next week when they face off.

- Great Khali defeated Scotty Goldman.

Khali vs. Kozlov is announced for next week.

La Familia, except for Vickie, is backstage watching footage of the Undertaker. The screen goes to static and Undertaker appears, grabbing Chavo.

- WWE champion Triple H defeated MVP.
After the Match: Vladimir Kozlov laid out Triple H.

Bad Boy
09-17-2008, 08:24 AM
another average Smackdown, only good thing is WWE pushin Vladimir to the WWE Title scene hpefully

09-20-2008, 01:15 AM
Thanks for this.

09-20-2008, 11:13 AM

If Kozlov is WWE champ by end of year then I Riot.