View Full Version : ECW Posts Strong Cable Rating Last Night

Straight Edge
06-14-2006, 11:24 PM
Source: Rajah.com

The first rating is out for ECW and it is very good. ECW scored a 2.7 cable rating last night, which is very good for the first show ever on a new network. No doubt that WWE management is very happy about this news.

Good rating for a shit show. I just hope Vince was watching the show, and realises that it was utterly poor last night, and that he needs to make drastic changes (e.g. letting Heyman have control over booking & writing) etc

06-15-2006, 02:37 AM
Good rating for a crappy show. I mean it was awful last night. The only enjoyment I got out of it was that girl striping and RVD getting the ECW title.

Rated X
06-15-2006, 03:41 AM
The show was terrible, yes, but at the same time it was the first show for some of those guys in awhile. I'm hoping they get better. The chick stripping was hot. I'd say the low point of the show though was bringing out that stupid zombie charecter. I mean c'mon. That was just retarded in my opinion.

06-15-2006, 04:23 AM
at least the zombie got the crap kicked outta him. The worst part i think was when tazz and styles were trying to figure out what the vampire was

06-15-2006, 10:25 AM
I think the zombie getting beat over the head with a kendo stick was the only interesting part of the show. Whats with crappy battle royal matches lately.

06-16-2006, 01:31 AM
The show was terrible, yes, but at the same time it was the first show for some of those guys in awhile. I'm hoping they get better. The chick stripping was hot. I'd say the low point of the show though was bringing out that stupid zombie charecter. I mean c'mon. That was just retarded in my opinion.
good point

06-19-2006, 07:26 AM
How could it get so good.. i personly didnt like it