View Full Version : JR Says Charlie Haas Helped BBQ Sales, Talks About Angle Divorce Coverage & More

09-19-2008, 02:27 AM
Jim Ross has posted another blog entry on his website, below are the highlights:

- As reported here earlier in the week, our website has had one of our bigger sales weeks since Monday's Raw when Charlie Haas continued his spoofing ways this time targeting yours truly. Thanks Charlie and congrats on the new baby girl. Charlie really "out punted his coverage" when he married the lovely Jackie Gayda.

- There are several wrestling websites that I enjoy visiting when time permits but some seem to be trying to out TMZ, TMZ. Reporting that Kurt Angle had filed for divorce...no wait...stop the presses...it was Karen Angle who filed for divorce...allegedly...sources say. Is this information that wrestling fans truly need to know? Is this news? Is it any of our business. I hope this rumor isn't true.

- Sometimes one can sense when something special may be evolving and that is the case for me when I watch Vladimir Kozlov in the ring these days. Kozlov does some of the subtle things very well and is a well conditioned, bad ass. Kozlov has the chance to "break through" it seems to me. The Moscow Mauler is far from a polished product but he certainly has an upside.

- If young wrestles like Ryan Braddock and Jack Swagger (nice name) remain aggressive and escalate their physicality as time goes on, both young men have a good chance of achieving success in the WWE. Working hard, smart and physical cures many ills in the ring such as inexperience.

- My broadcast partner on FNSD, Tazz, is simply an angry man. He's like the ornery, family friend from another world, Long Island, that I never knew I had. However, I think this Friday night's Smackdown Broadcast was our best yet.

- Carlito wears orange and black ring attire this Friday night and guess who (Human Suplex Machine) isn't happy about it?

Click here ( http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/spoof-thisdivorce-anglewhos-tazz-mad-weekkozlovs-a-keeper) to read JR's latest blog.

09-19-2008, 01:27 PM
lol @ the tazz part