View Full Version : WWE SmackDown Taping Results (09/26) *Spoilers*

Bad Boy
09-22-2008, 08:46 AM
WWE taped next week's edition of SmackDown from the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio. Special thanks to Wrestling News World readers Eric Leutwyler, DJ Jon Paul, Michael Mouser, and Jason Hutchinson for text-messaging the following results. If you are attending a WWE event in the near future and would be interested in sending text-message updates, please email me your name, mobile number, and show date to wnwryan [at] yahoo.com.

* Ticket sales are said to be horrible for tonight's event. The entire upper section and as well as several lower sections are tarped off.

* A WrestleMania XXIV video package is shown.

Dark Match:
* Tommy Dreamer b. Eric Escabar
- Dreamer got the win via pinfall after hitting tree of woe followed by a DDT.

SmackDown: (Airing next Friday)
* Tazz and Jim Ross come out to commentate.

* SmackDown opens with Chavo and Vickie backstage. Chavo says that The Undertaker told him that he is coming for her tonight.

* Jeff Hardy & Triple H b. MVP & Brian Kendrick
- Triple H got the win via pinfall after hitting a pedigree on MVP.

* Shelton Benjamin comes out to cut a promo. When he is finished he drops the mic and walks away. R-Truth comes out and interrupts.

* Shelton Benjamin vs. Santino Marella is announced for next week.

* Maria & Brie Bella b. Natalya & Victoria
- During the match Brie switched places with her sister Nicole Bella (who was hiding under the ring). Maria got the win after hitting a cross body off the top rope for the three-count.

* Vladimir Kozlov vs. The Great Khali
- Triple H comes out during the match. The Great Khali attacks Hunter. Kozlov joins in... Out comes Jeff Hardy for the save. Triple H gets his sledgehammer and hits Khali.

* The Undertaker vs. Big Show is announced for No Mercy.

* The Big Show, Chavo Guerrero, and Vickie are shown talking about The Undertaker. Vickie tells Chavo that his match is up next.

* Chavo Guerrero b. Jimmy Wang Yang
- After the match the lights go out for a few seconds. Chavo is very nervous and runs away.

* Carlito & Primo Colon b. Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins to win the WWE Tag Team Championships.
- Carlito got the win via pinfall after hitting the back stabber on Zack Ryder.

* Jesse & Festus come out to get Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins in a "MyMoving Company" van. Ryder & Hawkins get away. They open the back of the van and Kenny Dykstra is inside wrapped in bubble wrap, ready for the move to MyNetwork TV.

* Vickie, Big Show, and Chavo Guerrero are in Vickie's office talking about how they are going to smoke out The Undertaker. The shot cuts to them heading out to the ring.

* The lights go out and Chavo is gone. He is backstage being beaten by The Undertaker. Big Show leaves Vickie in the ring by herself to go help. The lights flash again and The Undertaker is in the ring with Vickie. Tombstone on Vickie!

Vickie is taken out on a stretcher to end SmackDown.

09-23-2008, 12:53 AM
So much for Kendrick's push, he gets shoved into the main event scene with Triple H way too early and now he hasn't won a match in weeks.