View Full Version : End of road for musical highway

09-23-2008, 01:12 AM
A section of Californian road which plays the William Tell overture to motorists is to be paved over after complaints.

A section of Avenue K in Lancaster uses grooves cut into the road surface to play the Lone Ranger theme to cars driving along it.

But some Lancaster residents say the noise from the road sounds more like a discordant screech than the Rossini overture.

Officials have bowed to their views and have agreed to pave over the grooves, reports the BBC.

While several Lancaster residents were entertained enough to post footage on video-sharing websites such as YouTube, others were less pleased.

"I think it's terrible because it keeps me awake at night," Lancaster resident Donna Martin told the Daily Breeze newspaper.

"You can kind of tell it's music, but it's not any tune or notes. It's a scratchy sound, a high-pitch drone."

The musical road was the idea of car-maker Honda. The firm said the grooves in the road were engineered to play the overture at perfect pitch for motorists driving Honda Civics at 55mph.

Although the grooves were carved into the road only a couple of weeks ago, officials have announced they will resurface the quarter-mile strip.
