View Full Version : Spy's disguise slips on camera

09-23-2008, 01:13 AM
An MI6 spy's disguise slipped during a television interview when his fake moustache started falling off.

The agent, known only as John and the first spy to appear on camera, was being interviewed in disguise for the BBC's One Show.

But during the interview the heat of the film crew's lights made the adhesive weaken on his moustache.

The interviewer, BBC journalist Justin Rowlatt, said : "It wasn't like a Paxman interview but I was trying to get under his skin a bit and understand what it was like to do his job.

"He was sitting behind a rather grand desk at the Foreign Office and everything was going fine.

"Then I noticed that he was touching his upper lip occasionally. It was clear that the edge of the moustache was peeling away slightly and that he was aware of what was happening."

He added: "I tried to ignore it but when we had a break in the filming I said to him, 'John, the old moustache is coming off." He said, "Oh God, I thought that might happen."

"He was very good about it and just said, "I'll take it off completely." If he hadn't, I think it would just have fallen to the floor. I think he put it in his pocket. He made a joke about it and handled the situation very well."

The moustache incident will not be screened when the interview is broadcast on Tuesday.

A spokesman for the Foreign Office would not comment on the incident but confirmed the spy was the first to appear on screen
