View Full Version : CM Punk's Next WWE Feud & Storyline Revealed

09-24-2008, 04:22 PM
WWE.com has an video interview up with CM Punk, who says he's going to find a partner and go after Rhodes and Dibiase and wont be satisfied until he has taken away their titles, since they took away his title.

This could lead to a good angle, but it shows that Punk is really out of the WWE title picture.

Source: PWMania

I have a feeling it could be Cena/Batista/Evan Bourne(hopefully Bourne). I don't think he's out of the picture just yet, he's just following up on a grudge then he'll probably go back to the world title imo.

09-24-2008, 06:24 PM
or Kingston?

Bad Boy
09-24-2008, 07:54 PM
i have a feeling they gave Punk a small test run as champ, and now he won't be getting another one, thats what i think... anyways, it will be good to see punk go against dibiase/rhodes...

09-24-2008, 08:14 PM
I'm still wishing for Colt Cabana as his partner. The Second City Saints in WWE, it would be a wonderful day.

09-24-2008, 08:16 PM
I think its definitely going to be Kofi unless its a smoke screen tbh, it should be a pretty decent feud

09-24-2008, 08:35 PM
Most definately Kofi.

I thought he did well as the champion, all things considered. Ratings were high with him...

09-24-2008, 08:49 PM
I cant believe CM Punk is demoted to the tag titles already.. i'd rather he feud with orton in a main event feud rather than go for the tag titles.

09-24-2008, 08:55 PM
Rhodes and DiBiase need a high profile feud to have a good run with the titles. They haven't feuded with anyone meaningful yet so this should be good to put them over.

09-24-2008, 09:06 PM
I cant believe CM Punk is demoted to the tag titles already.. i'd rather he feud with orton in a main event feud rather than go for the tag titles.

That is what they're doing... Building up to his feud with Orton, they can't do much about it with Orton being injured.

09-24-2008, 11:20 PM
That is what they're doing... Building up to his feud with Orton, they can't do much about it with Orton being injured.
Orton will be cleared to wrestle next month.. that's only 4 episodes of raw. They can build their feud without Orton wrestling.. remember Hogan vs rock? They didnt wrestle each other till the ppv. IMO, rhodes and dibiase need a real tag team challenge like cryme tyme or something like that.

09-24-2008, 11:42 PM
Orton will be cleared to wrestle next month.. that's only 4 episodes of raw. They can build their feud without Orton wrestling.. remember Hogan vs rock? They didnt wrestle each other till the ppv. IMO, rhodes and dibiase need a real tag team challenge like cryme tyme or something like that.

Yeah, but they still are building the feud, they just need something for Punk to do at No Mercy, so, the tag match works, and there will probably be a confrontation of sorts between Orton and Punk which will lead up to a match between them at Cyber Sunday or Survivor Series.

09-24-2008, 11:47 PM
Yeah, but they still are building the feud, they just need something for Punk to do at No Mercy, so, the tag match works, and there will probably be a confrontation of sorts between Orton and Punk which will lead up to a match between them at Cyber Sunday or Survivor Series.

Well of course they're still building the feud.. but still, priceless aren't really with Orton. Sure they beat up CM Punk together but that doesn't make them a team or stable.

09-25-2008, 12:08 AM
I think Punk and Kofi will challenge for the tag titles at NM, Punk and Orton talk before the match and Orton makes a run in for Priceless :)

09-25-2008, 01:47 PM
ya it'll def be kofi cuz of the run ins he's had in the past few weeks when punks been down

should be interesting

and no they shouldnt be feuding with crime tyme b/c honestly imo crime tyme is getting old already like im sick of it

and those 2 tag teams have already fought and for the titles so ya