View Full Version : WWE Creative Adjusting Due to Complaints

09-29-2008, 08:40 PM
According to The Wrestling Observer, WWE creative has made the decision to slow down the pace of storylines as there have been many complaints concerning the hurried nature of most programs. As we have been seeing for quite some time now, the Shawn Michales/Chris Jericho angle has been playing out for a long time, which is a good example of creative implementing a slower build toward angle blow offs. Originally, creative had plans for Randy Orton to be the leader of the DiBiase, Rhodes and Manu group within 2-3 weeks of its inception, but since then have decided to tease it longer in hopes that a more drawn out storyline will increase it's effectiveness.

09-29-2008, 08:43 PM
Yeah, I think this is a good idea, I miss the days of long, grueling feuds. One's that really built up hatred between the two wrestlers, like they're doing with the Michaels/Jericho angle.

Darth Fozzy
09-29-2008, 08:51 PM
I remember when they used to have guys feud for like 4 months and there would be 3 title changes in that feud, like with the Rock and HHH back in 2000, Rock won at Backlash, HHH won at Judgement Day and Rock won it back at King of the Ring then Rock held it til No Mercy.

10-01-2008, 03:08 AM
good but just wasted other talents