View Full Version : WWE's Edge loves to be booed

Black Widow
10-05-2008, 04:28 PM
Boo him 'til your lungs fall out. Scream and shout vile curses until you foam at the mouth.

Hey, it's all good. Edge will thank you for it.

"A face [hero] or a heel [villain]? Oh, I'd rather be a heel, without a doubt. I think it shows. I love being booed. I have no redeeming qualities whatsoever."

That's Edge, "The Rated-R Superstar" of WWE [ World Wrestling Entertainment]," who was in town last week to promote that one of its TV shows, SmackDown, is moving from The CW to MyNetwork TV and will be seen locally on My65 beginning Friday.

Actually, it wasn't Edge that I met. It was alter-ego Adam Copeland, the 34-year-old Canadian who dreamed of being a wrestling superstar and made his dream come true. Edge is a hedonistic, immature brute, while Copeland is a pleasant, erudite professional.

Copeland has been taking a self-requested break -- written into the working script when he was "choke-slammed to hell" by the Undertaker.

But he should be working soon, especially considering the WWE is preparing to release his DVD -- Edge: A Decade of Decadence.

Here's a brief Q&A.

*Cheap Seats: You've had many serious injuries, including a broken neck in 2003. Didn't that make you think about another line of work?

*Edge: "I was still so hungry then, all I cared about was getting back into the ring. But I don't know how I would react if something like that happened now."

*CS: You worked the last WrestleMania here at the Citrus Bowl. What was that like?

*Edge: "Amazing. It simply is the top of your profession, so there's no greater thrill."

*CS: Your toughest foe?

*Edge: "Well, with the Undertaker, I know I will hurt but I also know I will be safe because he is a true professional. And the "Batista Bomb" leaves me numb."

*CS: What is it about pro wrestling that works for so many fans?

*Edge: "It's larger than life. It's a fantasy world that allows spectators to escape from the mundane threats of the real world. But it's also tangible -- not just what's on the pages of a comic book."

I can't stand Edge, which would please him (if I'd had the guts to say it to his face).

But I really like Adam Copeland.


10-05-2008, 10:17 PM
I like Edge and Adam Copeland :D