View Full Version : Jeff Hardy Comments On Recent Incident, WWE Opens Doors To Media

Cankle Wang
10-06-2008, 02:49 AM
Jeff Hardy Comments On Recent Incident, WWE Opens Doors To Media
By Keelan Balderson on October 3rd, 2008

source wrestlingtruth.com

- On WWOR Channel 9’s New York news cast tonight at 10pm, they are plugging that Vince McMahon will take them on an “inside tour of the WWE.” This follows Smackdown’s debut on MyNetworkTV and will most likely be a tie in fluff piece, or something more business orientated, rather than a “Beyond The Mat.”

- Jeff Hardy was recently interviewed by the Baltimore Sun and had this to say about the recent airport incident:

“That was extremely blown out of proportion. So many wrestlers drink at times, and I had been drinking a lot that night. I’m not going to lie — I’ve been on planes a lot drunker than that. There was nothing rude done; I wasn’t violent or anything like that. I guess I was stumbling boarding the plane or something, and somebody must have just said that I was drunk, because I was asleep on the plane. This is Southwest, you know, open seating and everything. The first thing I remember is just waking up and security — it wasn’t police, it was security — saying, “Mr. Hardy, you have to get off the plane. We feel you’ve had too much to drink.” Matt got up and was like, “What’s the problem?” They were like, “He’s had too much to drink.” I go, “I was asleep. I’ll wake up in Raleigh. I’ve been like this before.” But I just cooperated and left the plane.”

“It does make me sick when — especially with me — anything negative, the Internet wants to highlight right away. One [site] actually said that Beth was with me and she was the one that was too drunk and she was handcuffed. I was never handcuffed. There were these crazy things like, “He got caught with contraband.” It was nothing like that.”

Keelan’s Call:
This annoys me big time, why do so many wrestlers talk negative about the internet and come up with all these things internet reports have supposedly said. I am active on virtually every major wrestling news website on the internet and write for about half of them, yet Jim Ross and Jeff Hardy and others still manage to find something somebody supposedly said, that we plainly didn’t. I’ve said this before. There is a difference between a news “website” with qualified writers that put their work through an editorial process and a “message board” or “chat room” where people just discuss amongst themselves. Where exactly do they read things like mentioned above? I swear they just make it up because they assume that’s what we say.