View Full Version : 30 days of Vampires or the Measles?

10-20-2008, 03:35 AM
i either typed this up yesterday or 2 days ago. i don't remember. i havn't seen any responces from either of them. i'm checking if i'll get responces on the forums.
Alright so I’ve been thinging about this for awhile. I just never took the time to write it up. I’ve read about Superman vs. Goku, TNA vs. WWE and I’ve seen Alien vs. Predator…..ok so maybe it wasn’t until after I saw AvP Requiem.

Most if not all won’t make sense. Since there’s more then 30 days of sunshine in the summer and after summer. See? See what I mean about it not making sense? I don’t know. But still.

30 days past September, 29 days in November…..or was it? Snow falls until half past October…..fudge it. E=Mc/squared. I had to say something.

Anyways. “30 days of night” was the cooler. Vampires, Josh Hartnett, windy days…..I wish there were more though, I’m not talking about the movie on that. <.< I just with there was more windy days. <,< The effects, :headbang: worthy. And it wasn’t filmed in Barrow but it really did look like it was Barrow in the movie. The end credits has good artwork. The DVD has an episode of “Blood” in the special Features. I thought it was going to be a 10 minute video, it ended up being the full episode. Fudge that first episode was bloody. The animation was the cooler. I’m going to have to check it out sometime. The making of the movie…..it’s just about 1 hour long. I still enjoy watching that.

Now. If your still reading….my grammar doesn’t bother you. Because let’s be honest. If it wasn’t for spell check, it’d be unreadable. And. It’s I don’t’ type fast enough to get everything written before I forgot what it was. It’s not that I forget…..it’s just I lose my train of thought. If you’ve seen “A bugs Life” you’d know what I’m talking about. The scene where a leaf falls down and one ant is lost…..it’s kind of like that.

“I Am Legend” Good movie and I haven’t seen the DVD with Special features yet. I’ve seen the DVD with Comic book animation. :headbang: it’s pretty good. Love the animation, and the story lines are cool too. But onto the movie. I don’t know what to call them. Measleites, Measleians, Measlers. But they can’t go into the sunlight just like Vampires. They don’t have the ability to think like they used to. Not exactly mindless and not in it for the brains like most movie monsters. Or Demonic for that matter. They don’t need to bite you on the neck or have fluids come into contact with your fluid to pass it on. It can be spread in the air and you breathe it in and you’ll become just like them.

If you had to choose to spend 30 days on December weather -30 with possible blizzards(there wasn’t much blizzards last year) and to add to that, lions, tigers and bears….no wait, that’s the water buffalo. Polar bears, wolves and…..I don’t know. How about. I don’t know really. <,< Ok. Vampires, possible blizzards, hunting animals. And frostbite. That sucks because in 2006. I went out and got a frost bite on my right ear. The cartridge on my top right ear is now hard. I thought it would go away after a few days. Nope. It’s still thur.

Of if you had the choice to spend the summer 30 days of Summer with possible virus that you can breathe in or have your fluids come into contact with the sickness, attacked by the Measles or. Again hunting animals that have found ways out the zoo that have the same risk of exposure and or heath risks of the measles. I don’t know the exact time frame of sunlight in NY during the summer. Lets say, I don’t know 13 hours? Maybe? So many possibilities for this, add possible used needles from heroin addicts you might come across for possibly fall on…..that’s about all I could think of right now. I spent 10 minutes trying to think of something. <,< and this is all during the day light. Then when the sun sets….The measlesites have a lot of ground to cover and have nothing to fear. They don’t think, they act on instinct…..I think. They hunt in groups, they use their bodies in anyway necessary….maybe it was just that one who was head banging his head on the glass wall. I don’t know I’m just throwing that out there for more suspense I guess. That part about using the body as a weapon besides biting and using fists. Push and kick. Push and kick. <,< I forgot what song that was. It’s on NBA Live 2007 or 08. I forgot.

My question is. If this world were really coming to an end either by Vampires(30 days was just the start, remember that. It’s could have been more epic but it’s just the first chapter.)or the Measles. Which would you choose? I’m looking for getting saved by Jesus. That’s not an option right now. I would of said that myself. But. This is just to find out which would you choose, being cold and hunted, or being hidden(not hunted) and trying to keep yourself from getting sick while being warm.

OH!!!!! I just thought of this. Mosquitoes carrying the measles in the summer. <,< they much have gold crowns now that their steroided up on the measles. They wouldn’t just bite you, they’d actually bite you and take away some body mass. 50 million Mosquitoes on steroids. Not a good chance to keep yourself from getting the Measles.

Take your pick. 30 day with hunting Vampires with something to prove along with the chance of hypothermia, frostbite and isolation. or 30 days of just avoiding infected humans and animals, and trying to avoid air contact with the measles.

Me. I’d ask for Jesus’ help….I know I what I said about not asking for God’s help in “30 Days of Night“….but this is my question. Like the president, I get to veto anything the masses have to say. Now pick. Vampires or Measles. You can’t ask for Jesus’ help in this question. That’s out the question, you got to think inside the box.