View Full Version : RAW Full Results - 10/20

Flair Country
10-21-2008, 02:29 PM
This Sunday is Cyber Sunday and it is time for the final build for the Raw brand. What will Batista and Jericho do to prepare for their guest referee? Will Randy Orton honor us with his words of wisdom? What will the Next Generation superstars do tonight? Will they try to get some votes for their possible match on Sunday? Who will Charlie Haas be this week? After the commentary from hell two weeks ago, and the Jackass segment from hell last week, what can we expect this week? What is going to happen with the Honk-a-Meter?
We are live from Corpus Christi, Texas and your announcers are Michael 'subscribership' Cole and Jerry 'If the World Series goes five games will we beat their ratings' Lawler.

Match Number One: Kelly Kelly and Candice Michelle versus Jillian Hall and Katie Lea

Before the match starts, Jillian dedicates a song for her friends in the Lone Star state. Kelly with a drop kick while Jillian continues to ‘sing’ and the match is ready to start. The bell rings and Jillian with a kick to Kelly. Kelly with a back flip and clothesline for a near fall. Candice tags in and they hit a double elbow drop and Candice with a leap frog neck breaker for a near fall. Jillian with an Irish whip and Candice gets out of the way and Candice drops Jillian on the top rope. Candice with a head scissors but Katie with a kick to the midsection and Katie gets tagged in. Katie rolls Candice back in and gets a near fall. Candice with an elbow but Katie with a half nelson back breaker for a two count. Jillian with a handspring back elbow for a near fall. Jillian with an Irish whip into the corner but she takes care of Katie. Kelly tags in and hits a series of clotheslines and punches followed by a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Jillian charges into a boot and Kelly with a cross body for a two count. Candice takes care of Katie. Jillian with a bridge but Candice breaks it up. Kelly with a Fameasser for the three count.
Winners: Kelly Kelly and Candice Michelle

It is time to take a look back to last week’s Raw when Chris Jericho set up a lumberjack match between Shawn Michaels and Batista. Then we see Chris Jericho versus CM Punk with guest referee Batista.

We go to commercial.

We are back with countdown clocks aplenty. First we see how long until Wrestlemania 25 tickets go on sale, and then we count down to Chris Jericho.

Chris is in the ring and he has something to say because he isn’t dressed to wrestle right now. Chris tells Lillian Garcia to introduce him as the World Champion. Jericho talks about the lack of respect that he gets from Lillian Garcia when he is the World Champion. He says the disrespect does not end with Lillian. It permeates the entire locker room and then it spread to all of the hypocrites in the arena. Everyone thinks that Jericho will lose at Cyber Sunday. Jericho blames the referee situation on Mike Adamle, a man who is on his disrespecting list. Jericho runs through the referees and mentions Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, and Steve Austin. Jericho suggests that everyone forgot who he is. Jericho reminds us of his achievements to beat the Rock and Steve Austin as well as when he won his most recent title, including winning a ladder match against Shawn Michaels. When he retains on Sunday, everyone will have to admit that Chris is the best in the business.

Batista interrupts Jericho and comes out in a shirt that actually fits him this week. Batista asks if Jericho is seriously out here demanding respect. Batista says that you don’t demand respect, you earn it. Batista says that if Jericho beats him on Sunday, and that is a big if . . . Jericho will earn a lot of people’s respect. Until that day, Batista asks Jericho to please stop whining and crying. Batista asks Jericho if he needs to shut it for him.

Mike Adamle comes out and he tells them to save it for Cyber Sunday when they will be able to put their hands on each other. Mike focuses on the word respect. Their performances will determine who earns respect. They will participant against the same three people in a gauntlet match. That would be a gauntlet match. It will be different, it will be unpredictable, and it will be another Adamle Original.

We go to commercial with Batista and Jericho staring each other down until Jericho slaps Batista and gets out of the ring.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Bradshaw facing Haas Hogan.

Before our next match, Bradshaw gets on the mic and he says that it besmirches his integrity to come out and compete against a has been impersonator. He is a man of wealth. He tells the crowd to stop whatting. In a hard economy, certain things are certain. The rich, like him become richer; and the poor become poorer.

Glass breaks and Stone Cold Charlie Haastin comes to the ring. Haastin gets on the mic and cuts off Bradshaw with whats.

Match Number Two: John Bradshaw Layfield with JBLimo versus Stone Cold Charlie Haastin
Haastin with a Thesz press and punches. Haastin with a forearm to Bradshaw followed by punches. The ref pulls Haastin off but he returns to the corner and kicks Bradshaw. Bradshaw with a knee. Haastin tries for a stunner, but Bradshaw gets out of the hold and hits a big boot. Bradshaw with the Clothesline from Wall Street for the three count.
Winner: Bradshaw

After the match, Bradshaw says that is the bottom line because JBL said so. Then Bradshaw mimics Austin’s pre beer salute.

Rey Mysterio is walking in the back and he puts on his protective outer mask as we go to commercial.

We are back with a Mike Knox video package. You can see him on ECW.

We hear some comments from Snitsky in the corner square before the match.

Match Number Three: Rey Mysterio versus Gene Snitsky
Snitsky with forearms to Rey but Rey tries for a tilt-a-whirl head scissors and Snitsky counters with a back breaker. Snitsky with elbows to the ribs for a two count. Snitsky runs Rey into the turnbuckles. Snitsky with a kick and Irish whip but Snitsky misses a boot into the corner and Rey punches Snitsky and hits a springboard senton followed by a drop kick. Rey with a double stomp from the turnbuckles and then Rey with a rana that somehow sends Snitsky into the ropes for a 619. Rey with a splash from the top rope for the three count.
Winner: Rey Mysterio

We go to commercial.

We are back with comments from other ‘celebrities’ about John Cena.

The Miz gets on the mic and he says that there is still time to vote for them to wrestle on Cyber Sunday. Miz and Morrison say that they are the best tag team. Morrison mocks Hunter’s DX entrance.

Match Number Four: John Morrison and The Miz versus Kofi Kingston and CM Punk
Punk and Morrison start things off and Punk with a waist lock and take down. Morrison tries to gets out of the hold with elbows and he succeeds. Miz tags in and he punches Punk. Punk with an enzuigiri and Kingston is tagged in. Punk and Kofi with a series of kicks to Miz for a near fall. Kingston with an arm bar. Kofi with a drop kick to Miz and Miz goes to the floor. Punk is tagged back in and he kicks Miz and then he works on the arm followed by kicks to the chest. Punk gets a near fall but Miz kicks out. Punk with forearms and Kofi is tagged back in and they hit a double suplex to Miz. Kofi and Punk hip toss and catch Morrison and then they send Morrison onto Miz on the floor. Kofi with a snap mare and near fall. Punk tags in again and Miz is sent into a boot from Punk. Kofi with a jawbreaker followed by a flying double sledge by Punk. Miz with forearms to the back and head. Punk with a kick and Kofi is tagged back in. Kofi with a European uppercut followed by an arm wringer for a two count. Kofi with a front face lock and then Miz with punches. Kofi with a monkey flip and then he tries for the leap into the corner but Morrison kicks him off the turnbuckles when Miz distracts the referee. Morrison tags in. Morrison punches Kofi and the referee warns him. Kofi fights out of the corner but Morrison keeps him from getting to Punk. Morrison with a Northern Lights suplex and bridge for a near fall. Morrison with a reverse chin lock as we go to commercial.

We are back and Morrison continues to work over Kofi and isolates the arms. We see footage during the commercial of Kofi trying to make the tag only to be stopped by Miz and Morrison. Back to live action and Miz tags in and he connects with an elbow to the back and kicks. Miz with a reverse chin lock. Miz with an Irish whip but Miz is sent into the apron but Miz pulls Kofi down by the hair. Morrison with a forearm out of a catapult followed by a slingshot splash to Kofi. Kofi with a kick to Morrison and then he punches Miz. Punk is tagged in and he hits a swinging neck breaker and clothesline followed by a spinning back kick and back fist and kicks. Punk with a knee into the corner followed by a bulldog. Punk with a power slam. Kofi goes to the floor and Punk sends Miz to the floor. Punk hits the Go To Sleep, but Miz had made the blind tag and he gets a rollup on Punk for the three count.
Winners: John Morrison and The Miz

Christ Jericho is in the Adamle Office and he says that he is not getting respect. You don’t get respect for being in a gauntlet match. Adamle says that he is giving Jericho the chance to earn respect. We go to commercial.

We are back with the latest Did You Know about sponsorship for Wrestlemania.

Santino comes out as a mixture of his three potential opponents with Beth Phoenix. Rodney the Honky Dust Marella has the mic and he says that choosing his opponent looks like a difficult task. He says that he is going to make it easy. His opponents are one in the same. They are all washed up. He is here to prove that point. Santino talks about Rodney the Piper and says that he is not ‘Hot Rod’ any more. Piper’s Pit should be Piper’s Paunch. Santino tells Rodney to try some sugar free gum to choose. Santino talks about Golden Dust and his career has flamed out. Santino talks about the Honky Donkey Man. He has the pork chop side burns, eats pork chops, and brushes his hair with pork chop grease. Santino talks about how Honky Donkey based his career off the king. Not Jerry Lawler or Jason Priestly. He talks about Elvis. If his carcass can be wheeled out, he will flush him into the Heartbroken Hotel.

Jim Duggan comes out and he has a flag and 2x4 with him. Santino tells Duggan that he could use a hose down, a meal, and a ticket to somewhere. Duggan likes the USA chants from the crowd and then Duggan tells Santino that he is on the last minute of his fifteen minutes of fame. Duggan says that he has seen a lot of flashes in the pan and Santino is the flashiest. Duggan says that he does not appreciate Santino disrespecting his generation. Santino wants to know why Duggan is so angered. Maybe it is because he doesn’t have a Honk-A-Meter. Santino is now champion for 10 weeks, only 54 weeks behind the Honky Donkey Man. Santino asks Duggan if he remembers when he was Intercontinental Champion. Maybe he cannot remember because he was never the Intercontinental Champion.

Duggan says that if it wasn’t for Santino’s boyfriend, he wouldn’t be Intercontinental Chapmion. Santino gives Beth is guitar as he gets ready for Duggan. Santino tells Beth that they should give the clothes to Duggan. Beth throws them in Duggan’s face and Santino hits Duggan with the guitar.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the WWE were in Puerto Rico last weekend.

Match Number Five: Cryme Tyme versus Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase with Manu . . . Not really too much of a match
Cody, Manu, and Ted attack Cryme Tyme and all five men battle. Manu with a belly-to-back suplex into a neck breaker to JTG and a splash to Shad. The attack continues and then Ted goes for the title belts and he brings them into the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler talk about Wrestlemania, coming next year from Houston, Texas. That is a few pay per views away, so we need to talk about Cyber Sunday.

It is time for the Chris Jericho portion of the gauntlet.

Mike Adamle is now in the ring and he has a clipboard.

Batista’s music plays and he comes out.

Mike says that this will be the first time that we will see Jericho and Batista battle the same three men in a gauntlet.

Match Number Five: The Batista/Jericho Gauntlet featuring William Regal with Layla El, Mark Henry with Tony Atlas and his sleeveless shirt, and special guest star Kane

Regal with a kick and forearms to Batista. Batista with a spinebuster and then he hits the Batista Bomb for the three count.

Jericho gets his chance to face Regal and he tells the referee to get Batista out of the ring. Regal gets to his feet and Jericho hits the Codebreaker for the three count.

Jericho starts with Mark Henry. Jericho with forearms but Henry pushes Jericho down. Jericho clips Henry and he tries to put Henry in the Walls of Jericho but Henry’s legs are too strong. Henry punches Jericho and kicks him followed by an Irish whip. Henry kicks Jericho in the corner. Henry with a splash into the corner while Jericho has some words for Batista. Henry misses a splash and Jericho hits the Lionsault for a two count. Jericho with a kick and then he exposes the turnbuckle. The referee fixes the turnbuckle and Jericho hits Henry with the belt. The referee sees it and Jericho is disqualified.

Batista waits for Henry to get up and he punches Henry. Henry pushes Batista away. Batista with a spinebuster for the three count.

Kane comes out for the final participant and we go to commercial.

We are back and Kane with a DDT to Jericho as the third set of gauntlet matches has begun during the commercial. Kane with a punch to Jericho followed by kicks. Kane with more punches. Jericho kind of clips Kane and he kind of goes down. Jericho works on the leg as he tries to weaken Kane’s base. Jericho sends Kane’s leg into the ring post. Kane with a punch to Kane but Jericho with a kick and he tries to get Kane into the Walls of Jericho. Kane is still able to power out despite the fact that Jericho has been working on it for a minute or two. Kane with a clothesline to Jericho followed by an Irish whip and running clothesline. Kane with the side slam and then he misses an elbow drop. Jericho tries for the Codebreaker but Kane pushes him off. Kane goes up top and Jericho hits the ropes and Kane is crotched. Kane with a head butt that sends Jericho to the mat. Kane with the jumping clothesline for a two count. Kane sets for the choke slam but Jericho with an elbow. Kane drops Jericho on the ropes and then Jericho is sent to the floor. Batista keeps Jericho from leaving and that also allows Kane to bring Jericho back in. Kane with a big boot for the three count.

Batista with a spear to Kane for the three count.

Batista poses in the ring, but Jericho still has the title. We go to credits.


Kenpachi Zaraki
10-21-2008, 06:04 PM
Why was the coverage not there??? N Mike Knox package :shock: