View Full Version : JR Blog- Fri, 10/31/2008

Black Widow
10-31-2008, 08:14 PM
The weekend is upon us and here in Norman that means a visit from our respected friends from Nebraska and a hugely important Big 12 Conference football game on ESPN Saturday night. It also means that we will be selling lots of down home, low and slow smoked BBQ this weekend which is not a bad thing either.

It must have been a slow news week in the 'rasslin biz as the sailor suit that yours truly wears on Friday Night Smackdown is getting WAY too much coverage. I think it will be good for a chuckle, certainly for some behind the scenes operators, but neither Tazz nor me had any issues with our costumes whatsoever. Hell, it's a Halloween night theme! Speaking of Sailors, does any one remember Sailor Art Thomas?

I am looking forward to watching the three hour Raw this Monday emanating from Tampa from the comfort of my hotel in Orlando the site of Tuesday night's live ECW broadcast and the taping of Friday Night Smackdown. For fans in the Tampa area, there are plenty of seats still available for the St. Pete Times Forum Monday and one can expect to get their money's worth that's for sure.

Hey, for those of you that have sent emails to this site rebuking with venom my flippant remarks about Friday Night Smackdown being the "A" show and all that other fertilizer I have three things to say to you, "Lighten up, Francis." Why would I NOT think my "team" wasn't the best in the WWE or should I simply drag my ass to work with a "poor us" , defeatist mentality? That isn't the way I personally play the game and as long as my fire continues to burn as a fan of wrestling I will remain competitive. The day I don't care is the day I start selling "Q" full time.

I have read "rumors" of a new formation of an updated Hart Foundation. I am not big on repackaging old personas and have made that point clear which is exactly why this creative manifestation is likely to happen.

UFC star and former WWE Champ Brock Lesnar apparently has issues with who the referee is going to be for his November 15 fight with Randy Couture. Not suer if this is Brock's issue or "his people" but I would suggest that the Lesnar camp focus on beating the veteran Couture and not worry about officiating. I am still feeling a Lesnar win but much like the Presidential election I am not fully sure of my choice. Straddling the fence is not so comfortable.

The Kansas State University marketing people made great use of a great deal of WWE oriented music last Saturday in Manhattan, Kansas prior to the OU game in pre game warm ups. This included John Cena's first rap song, the Raw open and I think I heard the Smackdown open. Nonetheless the fans seemed to have enjoyed it and the players did as well while they were stretching and warming up.

I read where the story came out about Jose Canseco once wanted to explore the WWE way back in the day and I thought it was an ill advised idea then and I haven't changed my mind. It makes no sense to me to bring outsider with no training and dubious character into a locker room environment. Of course those that wanted to explore the concept of hiring Jose did not have the responsibility of managing him.

I still like the idea of all wrestlers being weighed on a semi regular basis to put the proper checks in balances in place to help insure good health along with all the other tests that are done for the talent these days. Some guys will eat themselves out of a job if they are not monitored.

Will the WWE announcers break their arms patting themselves on the back when it comes to all the well earned accolades of Monday Night Raw? Watching at home or from a hotel room it gets a little repetitive to hear all the self congratulations that used to irk my late mentor, Gorilla Monsoon. Raw is a phenomenon without question but "I get it." Tell me once an hour and I will be more likely to retain it positively than if I feel as if I am being force fed.

Nonetheless many, many hard working people have made Monday Night Raw the television staple that it is and they deserve a congrats.

Yours truly likes the idea of the UFC getting women involved in MMA fighting events. That would be well trained, qualified women who would appeal to the UFC's male audience and, I assume, ever growing female fan base. I know Mrs. J.R. would enjoy me watching the UFC better if there were a female fight on the card that meant something and simply wasn't filler. More Gina Carano's wouldn't hurt my feelings but athletes like Gina don't grow on trees I know.

I hope that you enjoy Friday Night Smackdown and a big weekend of college and pro football. My Sooners are on ESPN Saturday night and you might see a black hat wandering the Sooner sideline so don't go looking for a sailor's hat with a "stocky" man underneath it.

I hope you will take a moment to visit out store but if you simply don't feel compelled to shop we all can understand. BTW we have addressed our shipping issues and I think we have a "winner." USPS has ridden to the rescue for domestic orders. Many thanks.

Boomer Sooner!


11-01-2008, 06:51 AM
thanks for the read ryan

11-01-2008, 02:33 PM
Thanks for posting.