View Full Version : Former WWE Writer Speaks on Taker vs. Triple H Failing and John Cena as Vanilla Ice

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-03-2008, 09:10 AM
- Former WWE creative team member and current Newsday.com blogger Seth Mates posted a blog in which he recalls how poorly the Triple H vs. Undertaker Raw match held the day after Survivor Series 2002 came off. “The feeling backstage was that we’d done something fresh and new at SummerSlam by putting the title on Brock (Lesnar), and now here we were doing something that was same old, same old, same old,” Mates writes.

Mates also recalled John Cena volunteering to dress up like Vanilla Ice for the Halloween-themed Smackdown show in 2002. “It was either that very day or shortly thereafter that John did his famous freestyle on a bus ride to a U.K. show,” Mates continues. “The entire Smackdown creative team was on that bus, and though there had been some hesitation from top creative people that making John a white rapper would ‘bury him.’” To read the full article, visit Newsday.com.

11-03-2008, 09:05 PM
TY for posting.