View Full Version : WWE SmackDown Taping Results (11/07) *Spoilers*

11-05-2008, 04:23 AM
Dark Matches:
* Kizarny b. Ryan Braddock
- Kizarny got the win via pinfall after hitting his finisher.

* Primo Colon b. Low Ki
- Primo got the win via pinfall after hitting a flying dropkick off the top rope.

SmackDown: (Airing This Friday)
* Jim Ross & Tazz make their way out to ringside.

* MVP opens SmackDown with his VIP Lounge. He talks about his losing streak. The Great Khali interrupts him and comes to the ring. He wants to do the "Khali Kiss Cam" so he makes MVP leave.

* A heavyset girl comes into the ring to kiss him. Three girls reject Khali, then another kisses him. MVP comes back to the ring and takes a cheap shop at Khali.

* Vickie Guerrero announces that MVP has three weeks to win a match or he has to pay back some of his multimillion dollar contract She also announces MVP vs. The Great Khali for tonight.

* United States Champion Shelton Benjamin b. R-Truth to retain.
- Shelton got the win via pinfall. The match was pretty much back and forth throughout.

* Ezekiel Jackson b. Jimmy Wang Yang in a squash match.

* The Miz & John Morrison b. Jeff Hardy & Triple H
- The match ended in disqualification as Jeff Hardy brought out a chair in the ring and used it on Morrison and The Miz. Triple H then pedigreed The Miz as Jeff watched.

* Kung Fu Naki b. Curt Hawkins
- Fu Naki got the win via pinfall after a karate front kick.

* Big Show comes out and challenges The Undertaker to a Casket Match at Survivor Series.

* The Great Khali b. MVP
- Khali got the win via pinfall after a double chokeslam in a short match.

* Brie Bella b. Victoria
- After the match Brie's twin sister Nicole Bella comes out from underneath the ring and they are introduced as the Bella Twins.

* Vladimir Kozlov b. Undertaker
- Vladimir Kozlov got the win via disqualification after Jeff Hardy came out and hit him with a chair. He then hit Undertaker with the chair. Undertaker gets up and scares Hardy to the back. He then chokeslamed Vladimir Kozlov.

* Triple H vs. Vladimiz Kozlov has now been announced for Survivor Series.

Source: WZ

11-05-2008, 05:07 AM
is this a heel turn for Hardy or what and MVP losing over the past few weeks it could all be an angle where he changes his character completly and ain't the MVP anymore

Bad Boy
11-05-2008, 10:09 AM
well wit the 3 weeks thing for MVP to win, i see him losing the next 2 weeks, and then maybe win the 3rd week... and Jeff hardy turning Heel, might be a good change...

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-05-2008, 03:57 PM
Hardy as heel should be good. Dunno about the MVP situation though