View Full Version : Update On Goldust & WWE

11-06-2008, 09:13 PM
WWE is still thinking about using Goldust as a regular character since they are short on wacky gimmick characters, not to mention that he surprisingly garnered nearly as many votes as Honky Tonk Man & "Rowdy" Roddy Piper for Cyber Sunday. Discussions have gone back-and-forth over the past week regarding using him. Head Raw writer Brian Gewirtz is a big advocate of Runnels as he's pushing for more comedy on Raw, and he thinks he can write good lines for him. Gewirtz also believes it's a good time for the lapsed WWE audience to see a familiar character from the past. Should Goldust get brought in, he'll pretty much be used in a way to put guys they're trying to elevate over as he's a credible opponent. Internally, there was said not be much support in bringing back Goldust, but the legit fan response greatly helped his cause in landing a job with WWE. There's also an interesting scenario WWE can eventually do with brother Cody Rhodes.

Source: PWM

11-07-2008, 07:43 AM
thanks for the news Eel

11-07-2008, 08:58 AM
Maybe he can help his "lack of personality" brother

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-07-2008, 03:00 PM
There I said he could do something with Cody.

11-07-2008, 03:01 PM
Maybe he can help his "lack of personality" brother

haha ya ive realized that

cody has absolutley no personlaity what so ever

he's just bland