View Full Version : Kurt Angle talks about the Main Event Mafia

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-08-2008, 11:37 AM
Josh Stewart from the Long Island Press has a new interview online with Kurt Angle. Below are some of the highlights:

Comparing the Main Event Mafia to the NWO: "What I think is that the NWO became so popular that people wanted to see them, but they rarely ever went to the house shows... They rarely ever did matches on TV. They basically walked out, kind of [did promos saying] that they were really cool, people liked them, but they didn’t really work that hard. The MEM, the Main Event Mafia, all of our guys are willing to go out there every night and work our asses off. We show up at the house shows, we show up at TV, we have matches, we have great angles and matches set up, thank God. So it’s completely different because our guys—I’m the head of the Main Event Mafia, and if they don’t want to work, I’ll kick them out."

On the MEM helping younger workers: "It’s our job to elevate the young guys in the company... We want to be able to bring back the X Division the way it used to be. We want some of these young guys to become household names, kind of like most of the guys in the Main Event Mafia. So it’s kind of a team effort. We’re setting ourselves up to go up against the young guys, and in the end, we want the young guys to come out winners."

Regarding his controversial comments about Jeff Jarrett's wife who died of cancer: "I said that I lost my world championship, I lost my gold medal and I lost my wife. But I’m not the only one to lose their wife... Jeff didn’t know I was going to say that. When I got backstage, I was ready to fight. I figured he was going to come up to me and he was going to be really pissed. But I didn’t see Jeff. I didn’t know how he responded that night. I didn’t mean anything personally to Jill, God rest her soul. It’s just that Jeff and I were going at it, and it seemed like the right thing to say at the right time to get some good heat. The fans, all of our wonderful, tremendous, great fans, sympathize with Jeff for everything he’s gone through. And to throw that in like that, it was like, ‘What an a**hole to say something like that.’ You know? So I actually thought Jeff would want to fight me. But he if wanted to fight me, he’s in for quite a hell of a fight. I was ready for him to jump me. So I was getting ready. Jeff and I don’t see eye to eye. A lot of stuff you see on TV is very transparent on how we feel about each other."


11-08-2008, 03:41 PM
Nice Read.

Thanks for posting!

11-08-2008, 03:42 PM
Thanks for this.

11-08-2008, 05:45 PM
thanks for the read gunner