View Full Version : Santino Marella Speaks On His Pre-Show Routine, Socializing With Fans & More

11-08-2008, 06:27 PM
Chronicle Live out of the United Kingdom has a new interview with WWE Intercontinental Champion Santino Marella now online. Below are some of the highlights:

His pre-show routine: "I like to train constantly because I’m getting a little bit older so if I don’t it’s very easy for me to get a little belly... Generally, we fly into a place, we get our car and look in the GPS for a gym... Then we will go and eat something healthy before stopping off at a tanning salon. After that, we go to the show and then we’ll see what happens."

Response from fans in public, comments on British wrestling fans: "People come up, but they are not rude It’s funny because everybody responds differently... Some people come up and talk, some people panic and some just stare from across the gym for the whole workout... The British fans and I have a very special relationship, more so than fans from any other country, as they appreciate Santino Marella to the fullest... They appreciate the combination of comedy and athleticism, theatrics, body language and also the classic wrestling."

On making it in the business: "First of all it requires discipline. Anyone can go have a match, but not everyone will be prepared to have a match... You have to train, start exercising every single day. And it’s not just your body – you have to learn wrestling in your mind... You have to know what to do and you have to develop your skills mentally as well as having your body conditioned... Then, when you have learned all that, you have to leave your family and go on the road... It means you are by yourself and have to spend hours and hours on the road driving to the next show... After that, it’s off to the next show. Wrestling is a never-ending circuit... It is difficult, but if you are born to do this it’s perfect."

Click here ( http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/whats-on-newcastle/theatre-arts/2008/11/07/interview-santino-marella-wwe-72703-22200798/) to read the full interview.