View Full Version : Backstage news on Paul London's release from WWE

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-13-2008, 11:24 AM
Credit: F4WOnline.com

Paul London had been in the dog house with WWE pretty much since he smiled on a live shoot during the infamous pre-Vince McMahon limo explosion angle in June of 2007. Everyone on the roster was told to be backstage for that live shot (the limo explosion had been shot the night before) and to have a look of disdain as Vince walked by. London had a big grin on his face and many looked at that as the beginning of the end for him. He also had heat before that when he was told to deliver a heartfelt promo about losing the Cruiserweight title, but turned it into a goofy comedy promo that the company didn't like. London was often described as having no instincts as a performer and how his character should be doing promos despite many feeling he had tons of ability as a performer. Others stated London was labeled as a complainer backstage, especially when he requested time off on a few occasions which the common rule is you don't ask for unless you are experiencing burnout and labels you as someone you can't fully trust to get behind. London reportedly asked for the time off as he wasn't sure he wanted to commit his life to pro wrestling. While Vince agreed to give him time off, he came back looking ready to go and then a month later people felt the same issues he had before were returning. Believe it or not, his former relationship with Ashley Massaro scored him some negative points backstage. There were plans within WWE to push London and Brian Kendrick as the next Rock & Roll Express style tag team, but those plans were dropped after London didn't perform well in numerous promos that never ended up airing. One source described London as a headache to work with among creative.

11-13-2008, 08:58 PM
thanks for the read gunner

11-14-2008, 01:28 AM
Interesting, thanks for this.