View Full Version : 11/12 Raw Brand Results From Newcastle, Uk

Black Widow
11-13-2008, 06:53 PM
I attended the Raw Brand House Show at Newcastle last night.

It was almost a sell out with only around 50 unoccupied seats in the upper tier

Tony Chimel came out to start off proceedings announcing the first match for the Intercontinental Title between Santino Marella and William Regal (c)

Santino cut a funny promo about him being from the best European Country before Regal came out to a big pop with Layla. This was quite a comical match which saw Regal going over and addressing the fans afterwards saying that it was an true honour to be there.

Next up was the Women's Championship bout between Candace Michelle and Beth Phoenix (c) with Special Guest Referee Mickie James this was pretty much a repeat of the Birmingham house show with Beth going over and getting Mickie to raise her hand a little too often then the babyfaces cleared her from the ring.

Next was the Tag Team Championship match between Cody Rodes & Manu and Kofi Kingston & CM Punk (c) there was a huge pop for Punk and Kingston with this being the most reaction from the crowd all night so far. Kingston & Punk win by pinfall after the GTS on Cody to a massive pop. The champs then celebrate all round the ring and up the ramp and out to the sides of the arena much to the delight of the crowd.


We are back and out came D'Lo Brown to a reasonable pop followed by Haas Hogan who got a big pop especially from the guys to my left kitted out in their Hogan gear. Haas won with the leg drop after the whole Hogan formula then brought in three kids from the audience to pose down in the ring to a fantastic reception from the fans.

Next up we had JBL come out to a huge round of boos and ran down the UK fans along with asking them why they bow down to a woman and generally garnering cheap heat. Out comes HBK to a massive pop but JBL is not interested in taking him on at first but eventually the match gets underway not too bad match considering how out of shape JBL looks. HBK won with Sweet Chin Music after JBL dominating until the big comeback from Shawn. Other than the Tag match so far the only match to get any real reaction from the crowd who were now super hot.

Next was the main event a tag match between Randy Orton & World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho and Batista & Rey Mysterio. This match got the biggest reaction of the night mostly due to the kids going nuts for Rey Rey and the heat that Chris Jericho instantly got as soon as his music hit. This was a fun match with one spot seeing Jericho not wanting anything to do with Batista and heading to the corner for a tag to Orton while holding onto him a little too tight and patting his backside at which Orton ran along the apron before getting into the ring. The finish saw a double 619 followed by a Batista Bomb on Orton for the pin. Batista then celebrated in the ring with Rey on his shoulders.

Overall a fun live event but the crowd were a little dead considering that WWE only visit twice a year.
