View Full Version : Matt Hardy Blogs About His Over Seas Trip and His Knee Injury

11-18-2008, 03:04 AM
Matt Hardy has posted a blog on his Myspace page, which not only details his over seas trip to Europe, but also describes the hyper-extension of his knee during his match against Finlay which aired this past Tuesday night on ECW. Hardy writes:

I fortunately retained the ECW Championship in a hard-hitting, fantastic match against the veteran Irishman. Unfortunately, something none of you at home witnessed-because it happened during a commercial break period-was me painfully hyper-extending my surgically repaired left knee. I continued that match without acknowledging it to anyone but knew I had hurt it. After the match, I was examined and diagnosed with a slightly torn PCL and stretched ligaments in the back of my knee. I could finished the tour out, but had to do some major treatment, wrapping and bracing of my knee. And by the way, I thought going into this day I had tomorrow off because it was a Smackdown only taping. I find out at the end of the night I'm needed tomorrow for both episodes of Smackdown. I guess that's what you get for being a WORKHORSE, HA! Now I already have the stress of an extremely hard trip plus a knee injury. Welcome to the wrestling business boys and girls. I felt much better when I got back to the hotel, my Smackdown crew got in, and the ECW, Raw, and Smackdown crews hit the hotel bar. I think the entire WWE drank every ounce of alcohol and liquor in Manchester that night! LOL!

Day 6
Manchester, England - I wake up and my knee feels absolutely horrible. I can noly walk. It's one of those moments when I ask myself how am I gonna do this.. How am I gonna perform tonight. After soaking and icing and treating and wrapping and bracing my knee thoroughly, somehow I do. I wrestled Shelton Benjamin in a Champion versus Champion match and came out victorious. I thought it was a helluva match as well. In case you're wondering, I was in excruciating pain the whole time. I also wrestled another tag match that will be featured on this week's Smackdown. I also wanna tell everyone that I was extremely proud of Jeff on this day as he had possible his best TV day performance EVER. That night, a little social time was had-but I actually got a good night's sleep. I had to-my knee and my performances for the week were depending on it.

11-18-2008, 07:40 AM
thanks for the read Eel