View Full Version : Tech Blog Takes Shot At WWE

11-20-2008, 08:26 PM
Reader "Degenerate" sent in word that technology blog TechCrunch.com features an article about the new WWE Universe social network. The writers don't give WWE or the new social network much respect, mocking them throughout the piece. They write, "Just because Mark Henry is the 'world’s strongest man' doesn’t mean he doesn’t cry at night when all he has to keep him company is his pit bull, Theodore, and a can of beans. Or Zack Ryder. The poor guy might be a tag team champion, but when he goes home all he has to look forward to are watering his plants and watching reruns of Smackdown with his cat, Fluffy. Be friends with them. Don’t block them out of your life. They need you."

11-21-2008, 07:37 AM
thanks for the read Eel