View Full Version : Backstage Reaction To Jeff Hardy Stunt, New WWE Holiday Discount Code

Black Widow
11-25-2008, 04:30 PM
- There were a lot of rolled eyes backstage in WWE on Sunday as employees began to find out the truth about the WWE.com Jeff Hardy stunt.

Many WWE workers and management initially had no idea what was going on (they were not told ahead of time) and had to make worried phone calls to check on Hardy, only to find out it was a storyline. Even some of Jeff’s closest friends inside and outside of wrestling initially thought the worst. Hardy himself didn’t know how serious the article would be written on the website and probably assumed they’d throw something in there to give away that it was a storyline.

The fact that they played off Hardy’s real life “demons” to create an exploitative storyline that not only seemed real but had the possibility of being real going by Hardy’s admitted problems makes it a cruel and shameful act.

I’ll say it again. When WWE.com posts its real news alongside its fake news and makes no attempt to differentiate between what’s real and fake it makes for a dangerous concoction. Hardy’s story was posted in the exact same place that we got the news of Eddie Guerrero’s death an the Chris Benoit tragedy.

Lets just hope Hardy doesn’t have a real problem. The boy who cried wolf comes to mind.

- On a lighter note, for those that still wish to give the company your money here’s WWE’s Christmas promotional code that will give you $10 off all orders over $65. Click the banner below to ensure the code is counted. You also must type HOLIDAY on the shipping page.


11-25-2008, 09:14 PM
Thanks for this.