View Full Version : WWE Smackdown (11/28) Spoilers

Y0UR Messiah
11-26-2008, 03:03 PM
Thanks to PWinsider.com for the info...

Dark Match, I believe. "The Foundation" Nattie Neidhart with TJ and DH Smith vs. Carlito and Primo Colon. Carlito hit some impressive springboards. Carlito and Primo got the win off a Backstabber on TJ.

Vickie Guerrero comes out. You can barely hear her as she introduces her husband Edge. He's shooting about jeff's problems... Edge and Vickie get all lovey dovey. Jeff runs in and goes after Vickie. She's in the ring and security breaks it up. Then HHH runs in and Vladimir Koslov gets on mic. He says he is here to get the belt.

There are Beat The Clock matches for the Number 1 contender's match at Armageddon.

Jeff Hardy vs. THE Brian Kendrick is next. Kendrick was going in and out of the ring to stall time. Jeff was completely on the offensive. Hardy hit a couple near falls. A Whisper in the Wind attempt was blocked. Kendrick did a a lot of chokes. Hardy hit The Whsper in the Wind. Then and a Swanton for the win at 12:13.

The Bella Twins and Michelle McCool vs. Maryse, Natalya and Victoria is next, with Maryse winning after a pin on Michelle when Brie accidentally clotheslined her.

Next was lots of video packages.

Vladimir is in the ring vs. Matt Hardy. The beat the clock time to beat is 12:13. Matt kept running in and out of the ring to waste time to help his brother win. Vlad didn't pin him within the time so Jeff Hardy's time still stands.

Jesse and Festus took on John Morrison and The Miz. The heels used the bell against Festus and ended up losing by DQ.

Next was Shelton Benjamin vs. HHH trying to beat the clock time of 12:13. HHH immediately tries for the Pedigree but Shelton had some offense. Shelton hit a really nice looking DDT but HHH followed with his normal move set. He hit the Pedigree but the ref was down. Time ran out but ref counted 3 at 0. A second ref came out. They argued and showed it on the TitanTron. Then they said that Jeff and HHH both had the same time and Jeff came out.

11-26-2008, 09:31 PM
This seems like an insanely short smackdown.. nothing special bout it either.

11-26-2008, 11:09 PM
I guess the
"Next was lots of video packages."

actually means a lot then

11-27-2008, 12:24 AM
Thanks for posting.

Y0UR Messiah
11-28-2008, 05:22 AM
No problem, if I get them before you guys post them again, I'll go ahead and throw them up.