View Full Version : Update on Vince McMahon's heat with CCW

Kenpachi Zaraki
11-27-2008, 09:04 AM
Credit: F4Wonline.com

Apparently the situation with Vince McMahon being pissed off at Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling is far worse than it has came off. Vince despises the show and it's said that he wants to do whatever he can to destroy the show. The irony is that Vince is against the show for "exposing the business" yet The Big Show gets stopped by The Undertaker's magic wall of flames at Survivor Series.

One source notes that on the flight into Boston, MA for the Survivor Series pay-per-view over the weekend, Vince was ranting and raving about the show, which airs on CMT. Vince said that no man on Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling will ever work for "this company" again, meaning WWE.

11-27-2008, 06:04 PM
wow thanks for the news Gunner

11-27-2008, 09:32 PM
Its not as if everyone does not know how the business works. I quite like the way Hogans show shows the insides of some moves, I liked Rob Van Dams speech on finishers etc. I thought I would hate the show and when i saw that B and C list celebs would be on it, I thought OMG lol Even though I would rather A listers on it, I think a couple of the wrestling matches have been ok for the amount of time they have had to learn it.

How many times has Vince said Hogan would not work for WWE again before lol I miss Rob Van Dam :(

11-27-2008, 11:29 PM
Thanks for this.