View Full Version : ECW On Sci-Fi Results[Spoilers] - Air Date: 2/12/08

12-02-2008, 02:49 AM
* A WrestleMania video package is shown. Cena is shown and receives lots of heat.

* A second video package is shown displaying President-Elect Barack Obama, Senator John McCain, and John Cena.

Dark Match:
* Cryme Tyme b. Snitsky & Shawn Rutger
- Shad gets the easy win a pin on Shawn. Cryme Tyme gets a big pop.

* Todd Grisham & Matt Striker make their way out to ringside. Another WrestleMania video package is shown.

ECW On Sci-Fi: (Airing Tomorrow)
* After the opening pyro hits, Jack Swagger comes to ringside and cuts a promo on how he's never been pinned and how he beat Tommy Dreamer in an Extreme Rules Match. He asks Teddy Long to come out and name him the number one contender. Teddy comes to ringside but doesn't make him the number one contender. Tiffany suggests Ricky Ortiz. Ricky comes out and cuts a promo talking about his record and making run of Swagger's lisp. Teddy decides to put them both in a match tonight.

* Jack Swagger b. Ricky Ortiz
- Boring chants start early on. Swagger quickly gains control over the match and continues an assault on Ortiz. Ortiz comes to life briefly but ends up getting powerbombed and pinned for the three-count by Swagger.

* MVP meets Teddy Long in his office to talk about his contract. He demands a match against Matt Hardy tonight. Teddy agrees to it and tells Tiffany he is looking forward to it.

* The video trailer for Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia is shown.

* Finlay & Hornswoggle come out to the ring. Finlay cuts a promo talking about wrestling his whole life and about his match last week against Mark Henry. He then challenges Henry to come out. Henry comes to the top of the entrance ramp with Tony Atlas. Henry purposes a tag team match with him and Atlas vs. Finlay and Hornswoggle. Finlay says no but Henry continues to push. Finlay finally says lets go and Henry leaves with a big grin on his face.

* DJ Gabriel b. An Unknown Jobber
- Gabriel dances around the ring like an idiot with Alicia Fox. Boring chants begin as the match starts. Gabriel gets the easy win after hitting an elbow off the top rope followed by a pinfall. Little reaction from the crowd.

* Matt Hardy b. MVP
- MVP comes out to a lot of heat. Huge pop for the ECW Champ Matt Hardy. The match starts with an exchange of headlocks and armbars. Hardy hits a side slam and goes for a quick pin only for a one-count. Hardy follows up with a double fist off the top rope and connects. MVP rolls out of the ring in disgust. MVP makes his way back into the ring and thows Hardy into the corner. He then sends him to the outside with a kick to the head. MVP goes for the cover but only gets a two-count. He hits a knee drop on Hardy and gets another two-count. Hardy battles back to the sound of "Let's Go Hardy" chants. Hardy hits the leg drop off the top rope. MVP goes for the superkick but misses. Hardy counters with twist of fate and gets the win. Huge pop from the D.C. crowd! This concludes ECW.

Source: WNW