View Full Version : Kizarny Speaks - Inside

12-06-2008, 06:26 PM
Jim Varsallone of the Miami Herald has a new interview now online with SmackDown's newest superstar, Kizarny. Below are the highlights:

His meeting with Vince McMahon:

"A lot of the guys were really nervous to meet him. I was nervous in a healthy way, but I wasn't going to go in there, shaking like I'm meeting a girl's parents for the first time. I'm thinking I'm going in there full blaze, and he's either going to like it or not. It will be definitive one way or another."

"Right out of his mouth, he said I had a good attitude, and I had a ton of energy. I'm humbly confident to know I got that in spades. It was all right."

"I guess my craziness amused him. Soon after that I was filming vignettes, getting ready to get up there and tear things up... He just asked me about myself. He didn't really ask me a whole lot of wrestling stuff. He just wanted to know what I was like. He realized I was legitimately from the carnival and legitimately know how to do all the weird sideshow feats. He asked if I really did all that. I was like, `Yeah, what you see is what you get."

On his character:

"The hair, the tattoos, the fingernails, all the weird stuff, it's not any silly character. That's me. If I was going to be a lawyer or a doctor tomorrow, you get a lawyer with green fingernails and a foot long goatee. Angel wings tattooed on my back and the whole nine yards."

"I think [Mr. McMahon] kind of giggled and thought, `Holy smokes, I got an authentic wacko in front of me. This is awesome. A playful one at that. Maybe we can do something with that. That sounds interesting."

Working with Jake Roberts:

"I traveled with Jake to a lot of places and stayed with him in Florida... We did a lot of [indie] shows together in Florida, and he taught me 90 percent of what I know -- the character stuff, the in-ring psychology, how to really maximize the feelings you want to invoke on the people, good, bad or indifferent. He's just a smart guy."

"He's got his demons. Everybody knows the story of Jake the Snake, but he's truly a sweet man and a very smart man."

On paying dues:

"It was mind blowing to me to get offered a developmental deal with WWE... I've been doing this since 1999. I starved, froze, slept in my car up and down the states, Canada, overseas, just trying to learn my craft. It didn't pay well at all. You make 100 bucks that week, and you might spend 300 bucks for travel and what not."

"I've woke up half frozen at rest stops. I actually woke up half frozen a couple of times in the desert not realizing how cold it gets. You go to sleep with no shirt on, thinking it's really hot out, and you wake up like a Popsicle."

"Paying dues like that to follow a dream, and then when that dream has a starting point; the starting point is you're hired, let alone all the hard work it takes to get to the starting point. So I was thoroughly excited, but I still realized it was the beginning. Everything I had gone through was just a warm-up."

Kizarny goes on to talk about his friendship with Edge, working with Al Snow, and more. Click here ( http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/other/story/800342.html) to read the very insightful interview.