View Full Version : Hart Responds to Vince’s Hatred Towards CCW, Bret Hart Update

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-07-2008, 10:15 AM
- WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Hart appeared on the In Your Head radio this past week and was asked about Vince McMahon being upset with Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling television show. McMahon flipped out after seeing the show and reportedly told WWE VP of Talent Relations John Laurinatis to inform people involved in the show they are no welcome in WWE. “I’ll plead the Fifth,” Hart told the radio show regarding rumors of his firing from WWE. “Naw, let me just say this. My whole thing that I ever do for WWE, I always have got permission to do everything.” Hart then praised WWE for the opportunities he was given in his career. “Like I said, I wouldn’t be sitting on the phone talking to you guys tonight if I didn’t had just the greatest chance of a lifetime when Vince called Jimmy Hart.” Hart is helping promote an indy show being held in Charlotte, North Carolina tonight which will see Hulk Hogan be the special guest referee in the main event of David & Reid Flair vs. the Nasty Boys. He also promoted Hulk Hogan’s CCW show, as the season finale airs tonight on CMT.

- As reported earlier, WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart is recovering from major reconstructive knee surgery. Hart offered comments regarding his surgery and being inspired meeting his fans during his recent book signing tour on his official website, www.BretHart.com. Bret wrote: “After meeting so many real heroes over the past few months, my knee surgery has been a breeze, and I can honestly say I wouldn’t have managed as well without their support and encouragement. Thanks to all of you who took the time to see me, buy my book, express your condolences about Owen, Davey, and my mother and father. Thanks for everything, the last couple of months were some of the best memories wrestling has ever given me, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.”


12-07-2008, 05:15 PM
Thanks for this.

12-08-2008, 07:44 AM
thanks for this Gunner