View Full Version : Kane DVD Listing

12-08-2008, 04:46 AM
Here is the match listing for the WWE's Disturbed Life of Kane DVD, which will be released on Tuesday:

* Mankind vs. Kane 11.09.97
* Undertaker vs. Kane 3.29.98 – WrestleMania 14
* Undertaker vs. Kane: Inferno Match 4.26.98
* Kane vs. Steve Austin: First Blood Match for WWE title 6.28.98 – King of the Ring
* X-Pac & Kane vs. Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart 4.05.99
* Kane vs. X-Pac: Cage Match 12.12.99
* Kane vs. Chris Jericho: Last Man Standing 12.10.00
* Kane & Undertaker vs. Edge & Christian vs. Dudleys 2.25.01
* Kane vs. HHH 5.20.01
* Kane vs. Kurt Angle 3.17.02 - WrestleMania 18
* Kane vs. HHH WWE Title vs. IC title 10.20.02
* Kane & RVD vs. Jericho & Christian 1.06.03
* Kane vs. RVD: Cage Match 9.08.03
* Kane vs. Shane McMahon: Last Man Standing 9.21.03
* Kane vs. Shane McMahon 11.16.03
* Kane vs. Matt Hardy 8.15.04
* Kane vs. Shawn Michaels 9.12.04
* Kane vs. Snitsky 1.17.05
* Kane vs. Edge cage match 6.18.05
* Kane vs. Edge stretcher match 7.25.05
* Kane vs. Umaga 9.18.06
* Undertaker & Kane vs. Booker & Finlay 12.22.06
* Kane vs. Booker 2.18.07
* Kane vs. Finlay: Belfast Brawl 9.14.07
* Kane vs. Undertaker 4.04.08
* 24-man Battle Royal for ECW title shot and Kane vs. Chavo for the ECW Title from Wrestlemania 24

Source: WNZ