View Full Version : Diva's Champion Reponds to More Criticism

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-10-2008, 02:13 PM
WWE Diva's Champion Michelle McCool has posted the following blog on her WWE Universe page: “It’s not easy to filter out all the negative things people say and/or write about you. It’s not easy to go down the road less traveled. It’s not easy to always be yourself. I love how people so quickly forget that I have been here four years and worked my butt off every single day…pitching storylines, training at DSW, working in the ring, doing appearances, etc...Not just that, but in case you forgot - I’m certainly not the only ‘diva search reject’ under contract right now.”

In addition to responding to "haters," McCool also comments on not using her "Wings of Love" finisher by saying “I haven’t used it in quite some time now, but that’s not by choice. Truth is, I’m not allowed to use it anymore. Apparently, it was too devastating for us girls! Seriously. The only good thing about that is that I debuted a new one [finisher] on Maryse this weekend and believe me, I think you’ll be impressed. I have to keep it under wraps for now until I use it on TV. Hopefully, it’s not too rough for us girls.”


12-10-2008, 03:48 PM
Doesn't Kong do the Wings Of Love as well? The only thing that made me interested in Michelle was her use of Wings of Love and now they take it away by saying that the divas can't handle it? Maybe it's just Maria, Kelly Kelly and other "eye candy" that can't handle the move.