View Full Version : Recap Of John Cena On Late Night With Connan O'Brian

06-22-2006, 08:18 AM
Thanks to Mike Shalik for passing on the following:

WWE superstar John Cena was a guest on Late Night With Connan O'Brian Wednesday night. Cena was the second guest of the night and was on after commedian Adam Sandler.

The segment began with a clip of Cena giving the F-U to the Big Show. Cena came out and shook hands with Connan. They began by commenting on the clip, both men saying how massive the Big Show is.

Cena talked about how on RAW he was knocked out by a "Genie" [Sabu] who smashed him in the head with a TV monitor and then gave him a top rope legdrop through a table. Cena laughed about how "only in sports entertainment" are you gonna see a violent genie.

Next they talked about wrestlers special moves. Cena told the story of how the "You can't see me" taunt started off as a joke between Cena and his brother. One day, his brother did "You can't see me" and John responded by saying - "just you wait - I'm gonna get that on television". Both Cena and Connan had fun doing the hand guesture multiple times.

Cena talked about how he and his friends are always daring eachother to do crazy things. Cena tells a story of a time he was dared into drinking out of a dirty puddle on the street. He also tells the story of a time he was at a cabaret and was dared to participate - he wound up stripping, doing a full poll routine and hanging upsidedown.

Connan mentioned how great he thought it was that John Cena had a unique ring outfit - wearing jeans instead of speedos. Cena said it was his own way of doing wrestling gear - and equated it to how basketball shorts have gotten longer over the years.

The segment ended with Connan plugging Vengeance as well as WWE RAW on USA Network - an subsidiary of NBC.