View Full Version : John Cena's Royal Rumble Opponent To Be Chosen Over The Next Two Weeks On Raw

12-16-2008, 09:43 PM
John Cena's opponent at this year's Royal Rumble will be determined over the next two weeks on Raw. As Stephanie McMahon announced last night, next week in Toronto we will see:

* Shawn Michaels vs. Kane

* Chris Jericho vs. C.M. Punk

* Batista vs. Randy Orton

* Rey Mysterio vs. JBL

The four winners will then compete in a Fatal Four-Way match for the title shot on the December 29th edition of Raw in Manchester, New Hampshire. The winner of the Fatal Four-Way match will go on to Royal Rumble to face John Cena for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Source: WNW

12-16-2008, 09:50 PM
Im calling it now....
JBL, Tista, Jericho and HBK in the 4 way....and JBL wins thanks to HBK.

Infinite Vision
12-16-2008, 10:11 PM
So we can confirm that Punk won't get his IC title shot next week....

I guess he won't win next week as much as I want him to. But maybe in 2 weeks he'll go for the IC title.

I could see Orton or JBL winning.

12-16-2008, 11:15 PM
Yeah I agree with ArJay, JBL wins with help from HBK

Infinite Vision
12-16-2008, 11:42 PM
That or it comes down to JBL and HBK as the last two and HBK lays down for him.

Super Klawz
12-16-2008, 11:46 PM
^That would be awesomeness. They have to go with that, I see no better way of showing HBK's desperation than him giving up a World title shot for JBL.

12-16-2008, 11:53 PM
lol I will go for Kane as always but I will not hold my breath :( He has another wonderful storyline with a diva :shifty: I wonder if Michaels and JBL get in, will JBL ask Michaels to help him and in the end Michaels screws over JBL.

12-17-2008, 01:47 AM
That or it comes down to JBL and HBK as the last two and HBK lays down for him.

that's pretty much what I meant as in helping him...either taking someone out and watching JBL get the pin...or simply laying down for him while the other 2 are distracted.

Bad Boy
12-17-2008, 07:51 AM
i wud hate JBL to win, cuz in the end a JBL/Cena match wud be pretty boring...

12-17-2008, 03:21 PM
hbk, punk, orton, jbl

4way match right thurr

with punk getting pinned in the match by orton after knocking out hbk, and jbl