View Full Version : Smackdown Taping Results - 19/12/08

12-17-2008, 05:32 AM
- Part of the arena is tarped off.

- A WrestleMania package is shown to start off

Dark Match:
Warren Bradden (I think that was his name, someone else said Lawrence Knight) defeated Funaki. Lots of "Naki" chants in this match. New guy gets the win with his finisher.

WWE SmackDown, Airing 12/19:

- SmackDown kicks off with clips of Jeff Hardy winning the WWE Title at the Armageddon PPV.

- Jeff is on the big screen and says "I'm coming..." There's tons of confetti as he comes out to lots of pyro to the ring. Jeff talks about it finally happening for him and turns the place upside down. Edge comes out and says he's better than him and Jeff just got lucky. Edge says that no matter what, Jeff will always be a screw up. Jeff replies with a "are you done?" then hits the Twist of Fate to end the segment.

- Matt Hardy vs. Edge and Vladimir Kozlov vs. Jeff Hardy is announced for later tonight.

- A Troops video is shown.

- R-Truth and Hurricane Helms defeated Shelton Benjamin and MVP when Helms pinned Shelton.

- Backstage promo with Chavo, Vickie and Edge.

- John Morrison defeated Festus in a singles match when the bell was rang again and Festus returned to himself. Then The Miz came in and pinned Festus. It was funny.

- Matt Hardy talks backstage with Eve Torres.

- Edge defeated Matt Hardy in what was said to be a very good wrestling match.

- Ezekiel defeated Carlito in singles action. Primo came to the ring with Carlito and The Brian Kendrick was out with Ezekiel.

- Maryse defeated Maria to earn a shot at the Divas Championship. Michelle McCool was out for the match. The crowd was dead for just about the whole thing.

- MVP is shown backstage with Kennedy but you couldn't hear what was going on because of all the Kennedy chants.

- Vladimir Kozlov vs. Jeff Hardy is interrupted as Edge comes out and attacks Jeff. Triple H is shown coming to the ring and he comes out to attack Vladimir and Edge. That's the end of SmackDown.

Source: WA

12-17-2008, 07:41 AM
thanks for this Eel

Bad Boy
12-17-2008, 07:56 AM
pretty boring SD, and MVP's streak continues, wonder whats up wit that?